I have manage to connect ST Link. I did all the steps but it is still at 23.26 version. When I finish uploading the firmware, the Tenka stops right away? I have to unplug and plug the battery to turn on again the tenka? Thanks.
Just to be clear, this is the workflow you followed?
- Tenka connected to nothing. No battery, no motor, no USB, nothing.
- Plug in ST-Link’s 5 pins. 3.3v, SWDIO, SWCLK, RST and GND pins
- Plug in ST-Link to the computer’s USB port
- Connect using STLINK Utility. Should get a bunch of data when it connects.
- Load the “VESC_default.bin” unity firmware/bootloader file from Vedder’s github into the STLINK Utility
- Click “Target → Program & Verify” on the STLINK Utility
- Click Start. It should take a few seconds to upload. After it finishes wait 30 seconds then disconnect the STLINK from the Tenka which should power it off.
- Plug in the battery, hook up to USB and it should be the latest firmware (5.2 as of this post) in the VESC tool.
IT WORKS!!! thank you a lot!