Soldering kit recommendations

Can any recommend a good soldering kit on amazon? Dont care about price just not like over 100usd.

Pinecil. Fat tip, 65w usbc power supply (make sure it has 20v), soldering iron holder, kester solder, helping hands of your choice.


Got a link for thr soldering iron by any chance?Thanks btw



I’d recommend getting a C4, and a D24 size. The Pinecil itself comes with a B2 which is too small and pointy for larger jobs.
Any USB-C power supply capable of delivering 65+ watts and 20V, such as this one:
You’ll also need a type-C cable to go with it, this one is nice because it’s silicone (burn resistant):

If you already have a phone or laptop charger that does type-C and 65W, you can also just use that.

The Pinecil can run either from a USB-C power supply, or a 5.5x2.5mm barrel jack with 8-24 volts.


TS100 with custom firmware is a real workhorse, I’d take it over even a Hakko station. C4 and needle tip will do 90% of jobs. Flux pen, brass sponge and 63/37 solder to round out the kit.

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Old laptop charger 20v 3.25A - free
XY-PDS100 - €15
PTS200 450c 100w 20v soldering pen - €43
USB-C cable with watt-meter - €4(?)

Need a better charger, but pretty good

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You’re not getting 100w out of that charger, you need at least 5A


Based on these tests, especially wicking the thicker wire, I think I’ll pick up an Ersa Pico for 160€

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Hobbyking soldering station, 20ish $ cant beat it, also for a few $ you can get a few different tips, and when you beat it up so much the ceramic heater breaks, a new one is 5$ at ali