covering these up will make @BillGordon cry
ok I dont care how many times my family says “you are not funny, stop it” I crack my self up, isnt that all that matters? As long as im not being mean with my humor? im still chuckling at this,is this a bit pathetic? perhaps, do I care, absolutely no !
Progress update!
I finally started building the battery. As you can see, it’s lechonk.
I also had to go deal with these stupid pieces of junk. For no practical reason at all, these escs come with 8AWG BATTERY LEADS soldered onto an XT60. what the fuck?!? I didnt wanna deal with all of that bulk, so I spent a bunch of time desoldering them (it was a royal pain in the ass) just to replace them with shorter 12awg and the same XT60. I also made a parallel harness for them using 14awg. This shouldn’t be an issue since they’ll only be seeing 50 amp bursts, with continuous drain presumably closer to 15. Mostly did this because soldering 2 12awg into an xt90 blows.
Last thing I did was compile my own firmware for these escs with the HW names changed, so I always know which motor i’m adjusting. I dont wanna play whack a mole with two motors, let alone four. Before and after shots
Oh, and, footpad done. Just gotta print the rear one.
good job
skinning the underside of the deck is no more. I cant be asked tbh
progress is slow and steady. I’m not showing you pics of what I did to the deck for the wire routing, it’s pretty bad.
On a better note
shitty picture (the only pic) of the first printed prototype I made this afternoon. Brought this to my (soon to be) boss who runs the machine/engineering shop at my school. He loved the idea. tomorrow, i’m going to fabricate the (revised) part out of 1/8" steel sheet. Yippee.
This is the goal:
but with what I have available, I dont think I can do the rounding. I’ll try and fillet the corners tho.
Printed these out so I can use them as a template.
The fit is actually perfect, but this picture doesnt do it justice
Will post an update tomorrow!
I came for the skate updates but i stay for the balls
What are you going to tow?
Your mother
I wanna build a trailer. Gonna be getting welding training soon, so I can build something out of square aluminum tube.
Ive not tried welding aluminium, you need to tig weld for that right?
No clue. We’ll find out soon.
Yep, and usually a gas setup as well. Those Indian fellas have some wild set ups.
photo credit: @s_m_l_s_
A project of mine that’s fallen to the wayside with my v5 build. Still want to return and do this project justice some day.
Surely there is some sort of lightweight alternative those things must weigh close to a kg
I spent weeks trying to come up with something better, but kept returning to a ball hitch design. Anything else I could come up with was basically a ball hitch with extra steps. And you can’t beat the convenience of a COTS solution
yeah they chonc. i bought the smallest ones lowes had it and weighs a good bit
A seat for yourself
Where truck nuts tho
There’s a bit of extra thread under the ball hitch. Gonna add two balls to it