šŸ’© Shitty DIY and nothing else!

Couldnā€™t wait for my Batterie-Box to arriveā€¦

and yesā€¦ try to waterproof my escā€™s :sweat:


Finally found the perfect thread to brag about my third ryde. :stuck_out_tongue:

5Kg super stiff no concave deck made of one layer 6mm plywood and god-knows-how-many layers of fiberglass.
Combined with generic 90mm wheels and shitty roads for maximum massochistic bliss in every ride.

The Hydra! Cuz charging bms is for pusseh!
Itā€™s actually a 12s10p pack of 1C 3500mAh 18650 cells. I figured itā€™s safer, albeit tedious, to charge each p individually with TP5100 modules than to use cheap bms.


Hail Hydra!


Great looking board, but my goodness lol

This is why I think some of u guys are fucking nuts.

Love it

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I keep finding myself flabberghasted at the the fucking lengths people on here will go to avoid using a BMS. Jesus christ theyā€™re not that bad :rofl:


Not only are they not bad, theyā€™re actually rather helpful :crazy_face:

Bonus, they are cheap
Bonus, they are small

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Without paying for the wires and connectors you could have gotten a bms for the same price :joy:



I guess I phrased it poorly - Itā€™s bad that I didnā€™t add lots of contact on the wires

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Haha. Interesting design choice. So how did the charging procedure work? Can you connect all the TP5100 in series? And doesnā€™t that severely limit your charging speed?

Thatā€™sā€¦a novel approach.


Can you take a wild guess on how many hoursā€¦

Per group.

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Looks like a fucking dart board.

oneeee hundredddddd annnnnnnndddddddddd eeiiiiigggggggggggggghhhhhhhhtttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyy


Bruh it looks like the battery pack got chickenpox

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ikr. T_T
I have tried many bms.
Just my luck but all of em, even the expensive ones, tend to overcharge a p or two before triggering the protection.
A smart bms would be perfect. Now it would be great if any of ya can teach me how to hack my 13s smart bms to work with this 12s pack.

Itā€™s a tedious, long, slow, inconvinient and terrebly impractical process of charging. The tradeoff benefits are no-overcharge & always-top-balance.
My rig is pretty much like this ( DIY PROTOTYPE Fast Balance Charger - 1000mA Balance Current (1S-20S 84V) - YouTube ) except that TP5100 is twice the power and I dun connect em in series. It can be safely conected in series tho but decided not to cuz I dun have a good multi pin connector that can efficiently conduct the 2amps output of the TP5100.
As for the charging speed, itā€™s normally slow. I mean charging a 35Ah pack with the 2amps rig is normally slow. Can significantly speedup the process by initially charging the pack up to 49V @ 10amps usin my adjustable power supply then do the last mile with the TP5100 rig.

  1. Buy 12s smart BMS
  2. Install 12s smart BMS
  3. Haxxors complete :sunglasses:

Is this a reconstitution of Verdun no manā€™s land ?


Maybe closer to We Donā€™t Go to Ravenholm?