SEQURE SQ-SW1 with supercapacitors instead of lipo

at this rate it’s easier to use lipos as a source of power
so long as you get good packs and don’t be dumb when charging them it’s not unsafe.

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Each one holds 1kJ of energy, and can release it in under one second, which is enough to hurt you

eight of them will hold 8kJ of energy, and can release it in even less time, which is enough to hurt you a lot.

Formula for energy is 1/2 * C * (V ^ 2). Formula for peak power is (V ^ 2) / R
Time for capacitors to hurt you is 3 * R * C.

V is voltage rating. C is capacitance. R is ESR

I would recommend super caps with 1/100 the capacitance. They’ll still hurt you, but a lot less. Similar ESR.

Is this the sort of idea you’re playing with?

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