SABRE DYNAMICS - General Discussion - CNC Parts & Services

We found a place for anodising, will send some parts to them soon. There is still a minimum amount of parts for a specific colour though, so most of the time small numbers are not worth the extra price. You send me a pm and I can ask the anodiser for a quote for the blue anti sink plates.


Cool no worries ordered y’all’s claw anti sink.

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Thanks! Your order is going out tomorrow :love_you_gesture:


Lovin’ the Blades, @SabreDynamics!

Check out these beauties! :heart_eyes:


Awesome! Love the custom paint job :star_struck:


Working on a batch of heatsinks for unity/xenith/stormcore, made a few custom ones for @spacecatatelier. In general we’ve been stocking up on parts for an anodising batch. Just gotta keep slinging some more aluminium chips and then soon there will be more anodised products on the website :love_you_gesture:


Too bad i dont need a custom heat sink because this would be a cool design

Maybe someone understands my nostalgia lol


Haha classic. Maybe you can find a couple of those McDonald happy meal gold bars and convert that into a heat sink :laughing:

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It was Burger King XD

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Custom Anti Sink plate for @esk8noob :ghost:


Roughly how much would a heatsink cost to get made custom? I need one made for a spintend Ubox 75V, i can make the CAD files for it haha. Shipped to the US if that helps. For some reason nobody else makes heatsinks for these VESC’s yet.

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pretty much no one has the opportunity to push them hot enough before it pop itself on detection, so… :man_shrugging:t2:


Ouch. Fwiw, mine ran detection fine multiple times, just made sure to have the right firmware and vesc tool version. Boots and runs as expected now.


that’s good for u, try not to mess with it from now on, there are too many money loss on these spintend, hate to see another incident

Do the Uboxes even get hot enough? I’ve never been able to push my V1 past 60C, and that’s in a completely enclosed top mount black box pushing 80 motor and battery amps on a 35C day.

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This says nothing without knowing the surface you were riding on, drivetrain etc. We had two uboxes overheat and shut down the last groupride I did.


True it was mostly flat land, but duty cycle was pegged at 90% more or less over the entire time over 4 miles. I’ve also done figure 8 tracks where there’s a lot of braking and acceleration, but similarly couldn’t get it that hot. Maybe the giant case had enough thermal mass for these.

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You can pm me the cad file and I can take a look

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I’m planning on maxing mine out at 100 motor amps per side, riding very aggressively with relatively tall gearing in texas weather - It’s gonna be significant. I’ve already replaced the thermal pads inside the stock heatsink, but i’d really want a proper heatsink exposed to outside air, rather than just having what basically sums up to a thermal mass which will eventually heatsoak.

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A wild missingno appeared!