Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread


fair enough. i’ll sweep this to derail


@b264 @DerelictRobot
i’m getting a 502 error on these posts. i’m inclined to just delete them, any opposition?

I make it a habit not to delete my posts, but do as you must gypsy.

Let me try a move first.

far be it from me to steal from the world some of @b264 @DerelictRobot and @wandagoner 's finest moments. they will stay as written

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Move failed.

giphy (26)


just leave it. i’ve said worse about both of them, with poorer grammer in a more a more public manner. but this has highlighted the need for a bucketized “reply” thread

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I don’t care. :slight_smile:

Zero opposition

I’m a big fan of the general fumbling here.

Also, zero issue with going on public record that I don’t think sexual assault should be correlated to a brand choice or other frivolous comparisons, because that would be ignorant and socially tone deaf for someone to think or say things like that.

For fucks sake though, some people weren’t raised right.


awww damn the double post was a glorious element of irony.


That was 100% Damon’s fault too. This server is built with JedBoards bamboo.

oh i’m sorry i thought that was assumed. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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well this entire exchange pretty much a mirror of earlier today. i had a gap in my meetings, opened the door to my office to f-off. dog #1 runs in, jumps on my couch to play, pisses on my couch, client calls and i’m left with no fun and a mess to clean up

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You seem to be taking this pretty hard. You need a semi-hard lap to sit on pretty boy? It’s… interactive.

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no to taking it hard, yes to blurred boundry dance. honestly i find it humorous. i was reminded of the dog piss b/c i walked into the living room where i threw the piss soaked cushion and it made me laugh. this makes me laugh (with the obvious exception)

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You bastards are going to make me post my childish fireman gif again, aren’t you?


giphy (26)


tenor (8)

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