Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Oof that’s unfortunate. I had done some research a while ago and some people were saying the Cr-10 was better than the s haha

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Unfortunately FlexiBMS has no 5V output as far as I know. At least the beta version I have only has 3.3V externally available on the I2C port.

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Hopefully I start doing some quality prints soon, but my head refuses to leave the space where my ass lay


Where’d ya get the blue hexagons

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Beautiful tube clock


I press them out myself from rolls of regular grip tape.


Damn! Need some of those to match my arctic blues @Toughook


Had to send it back real quick just to make sure it didn’t have any Rona on it. I’m sure it’s fiiiine!

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I got some blue hex’s from torquebaords with my TB40. He’d probably sell you just the grip.

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This thing has to have touched so many hands in the past 38hrs for it to have been in HK yday and showin up at my door today… It’s definitely got Rona.

Only a partial delivery, 1 for 3, so far. Still impressed something actually showed up today.

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Nice I was thinking of doing that.

Where did you buy the hubs at? Please make a video showing the acceleration.

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Motor: Boundmotor 105mm hub motors x2
Battery: Ownboard 10s2p samsung 40T battery x2
ESC: dickyho 4wd esc
Deck: random backfire deck in the corner of my house (was from my old G2S)

I will try to shoot a video once I have it put together, currently still waiting for some connectors and random bits and pieces :wink:


Awesome! Look forward to the build thread.


Actually Hong Kong has been practically rona free for almost a month. Per capita rates have been very low.


Oh, I wouldn’t say I’m worried about it coming from HK. It’s all the places in-between in the super short time period. (also, just joking)

True. I was bit triggered. Lol

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hey man, u in HK too? Its nice knowing other people also esk8 in HK other than my 1 only friend

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Yeah man.

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Lol @ReliantChris Lamborghini??? Them fools more like the sketchers of esk8…

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Sorry man, it was so close to me I could have stole it.