Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Yes, and svelte looks

The guy on that motorcycle/bike; did you by any chance get the name? I remember seeing it on an indiegogo or kickstart but canā€™t remember now


Looks like an onyx rcr


Thatā€™s it! I didnā€™t realize they had shipped


Yea thereā€™s 3 guys in my local group that have them, even upgraded the batteries to 65ah or something crazy like that


That thing looks dope af


Thatā€™s the wrong Justin, Dr.Mike. Itā€™s this one.


What size sleeving is this @ahrav

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Blue is 3/8inch. The green is 1/4. Go with the 3/8. If you wanna wrap
Each wire individually. The 1/4 is a pain in the ass to get on.

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Thanks brotha

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You got itt, no problem. Just make sure when you cut the cabling use a hot knife or scissors. (Sure you already know this, but just in case)

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Yes or course :pray:t2: Donā€™t want the wires to fray

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Or you can cut and burn the ends :grin:

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That bike was pretty quick


Oh yeah. it is. He can go 60mph no problem. 20s in there I think.

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Where was my fucken invite bro. :unamused:

No security issues at the Spectrum lot?

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Hahaha I did try it and lit the whole fuckin thing ablaze :joy:. If you arenā€™t an idiot like meā€¦ yea itā€™s a good alternative.

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thatā€™s whack af

how can i reply to someoneā€™s pic

I donā€™t have your contact bro! :joy: We pulled a fast one on the spectrum security

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