That’s what she said
Did you ask Nelson to delete your account or is he being himself again?
i said to people when they were selling stuff or they were new that they should ALSO join .news.
I also asked nelson why jason is yet to be banned for stealing from people and silencing community members when they asked for their money.
fuck fatdaddy
Yeah looks like they deleted my comment as well.
They bought a pig in a poke and don’t get that the one active user they have killed the place and continues to do damage.
I guess they think the solution is more censorship. Good luck with that.
What lube?
Man, you have to be standing on the board for it to be there. It says “fire lane - no parking”
what infill pattern did you use for the strawberry?
like sisteen hundreds or 40 full @robots…
Archoil AR8100
correct me if i’m wrong but he probably had the “motor running” we just cannot here the HFI screeching in the still image
all i want to know is whats the real reason they bought it.
It’s always money.
With the years of useful information I am sure they can slap a few ads on it to cover the marginal hosting cost. Just depends on how much they paid Jason for it I guess.
Sadly it is just an archive at this point.
nelson and jason be like:
What hubs are those? Looks good
One of us needs to make a thread on this.
If I do another one, I will make one.
Maybe we can see a build thread on your remote?
this will be my first but i’m open to opening a thread. just deciding on rather i should waiting for my voltage regulator (3.3V) to arrive from China or go without it.