I think you should read this:
Watch the linked video.
Bell isn’t Ruroc, also the 3R model has been superseded by the DH model which has full DH certification.
My answer was in reply to the DOT sticker on the back of the moto helmet, not related to the Bell Super 3R.
Yes. 6mm riser
It need taller.
Thanks for the suggestion @b264
I thought buying smaller wheels or get bigger risers, never occurred to me that alternative.
Yeah. I saw that you recommend 15mm riser.
My concern with that is the base of deck being too far from the ground.
10mm is ok. I use this one for our neoONE with this wheel you having. Can also try for different bushing.
Can also try 80mm Boa wheel we try on our neo. Is very nice look.
Hooo no … and with only 180mm type trucks ?
6mm not enough !!?.. Dam … didn’t read 15mm is recommended for it.
(I hate risers, sometimes have to use 3mm, but 6 is already double the max I would use.)
definitely, now I’m asking myself why made so deep stave in / dig baseplate area…
That carbon looks awesome! Its a shame you can see the bamboo layers through it though
Does it go over the top as well? Is the seam on the rails?
Haha so it is!
exactly !
Just a quick overview from 'toshop when I was waiting for @Hiboute cracking deck.
Reoboard = Riako Build + NeoOne
I hope I can do it like my MTBoard Darth Vapor sandwiched on rails too
I thought it looked familiar
Thanks for your cool photos ! I was abble to play a bit with it
(I would like to keep some bamboo details at the end )
You know it’s a good design when you make @Venom121212 use something besides adventure time gifs!!!
Those are all nice, but the last one is killer.