that’s what the crack addict said.
(does that make sense?)
that’s what the crack addict said.
(does that make sense?)
@aaron @moon @Skunk it’s just a cheap AliExpress usb stick. Remove the usb stick. The hole than fit over the end of the xt90s.
It wasn’t my idea by the way. I have seen that a while ago on another build, just don’t remember from who.
Usb sticks you can get a lot of different ones, like
links wont work for me
me neither.
Strange. If I click them they work
Doesn’t matter, just search for „Batman usb stick“ or what ever character you looking for on AliExpress. They all similar.
So amazing, possibilities endless
Yeah I know. Just checked the short one, seems fine
Takes a while to mount up. This thing is cool though.
Tell him to karate chop it. Put those muscles to the test
I jumped on it. I am going to do CF on mine for reinforcement just in case. Still need to check the big ones.
@Skunk good idea and well done so far. why don’t you apply little hinges for the cut out and just use velcro for the lock?
Like this you always have to suffer while releasing the screws if you want access to the guts.
Im actually gonna jb weld the entire thing together lol.
@pjotr47 i just now realised that i marked you instead of @IDEA who made the Motors mounts shown in the picture.
You are welcome nevertheless
How do you avoid interference with CF on the lid?
if the whole thing was covered in cf then it would be a problem
ahh ok haven’t used cf on anything yet just wondering. Thanks for the info
I have wrapped decks and enclosures and haven’t had any from 1 layer.