Noice, tell me more about the build
Build thread comeing soon!
Especially, what deck is that? Looks like a carbon-skinned Lance Mountain
All will be revealed soon! The build thread will hopefully be up by tonight! Sorry to keep you guys in Suspense.
Clean little build! I like this one.
THanks man - the super NOICE work is YOURS! i just did the easy skinning part after haha!
I’ll be compiling a build thread with all the pics and deets eventually, the creator’s credit will be posted accordingly! I apologize the info was lacking in the “pictures and nothing else” thread. Did not mean to alarm or leave out your authorship. Your fine work is Unmistakable, nobody will ever get away with trying to plagiarize BigBen work haha! Keep up all the greatness brother!
Kind words, but you’ve got something very unique there. Well done!
I hope you know what you have started. Before you know it, Dudes are going to start skinning enclosures in alligator
Who will have the first deck with alligator grip?
there are some seriously beautiful cobra snake skins out there… but most* not large enough for full edge to edge coverage on decks and enclosures…
now if we do a group buy on an anaconda skin, we could get like 10 boards covered hahaaa!!
Real Python Leather Hide high quality first grade
Leather is soft, pliable.
Color: Navi Blue (dark blue), matte finish
Width 28 cm ( 11,2 inches)
Length 150 cm ( 60 inches)
ideasssss… lol
Did you… trip a blind person?
Lol. No, that’s just the one wheel guy coming off his wheel.
They’re not new at all, they are soaking wet because it’s raining. Those wheels have almost 1000 miles on them.