Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

cool thx again…you guys are bad ass.

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where can I go to do research on this calc. I don’t understand some of this.

Use 60t lol or use bigger motors or more motors.

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so there’s not enough resistance for the amount of power I have (12s6p) is that how it works. lol…sorry for being such a noob but I’m literally new to this bruh. I’ll get better just show me what to read. lol. I was looking at those 6880 beasts. what mounts are best on surfrodz RKPs?

ask in the calculator thread

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I understand more on this calc. whats good for Cont. Discharge and Max Discharge

It helps if you ask in the calculator thread. That way others can find the answers :slight_smile:

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oh yeah that’s right sorry…thx.

Correcto …I need to find some slightly slimer to look a bit better

Yes sanitary flexible … Eur 2.95 at a good dyo shop

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Yup, cheap, easy and fast mod.


really cool,dude. :+1:

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Person in the purple at the end was about to eat it lol


Board is looking good dude.
Is that icecream brains?


She did slightly but I think @RuinousMarmalade is OK!

Dude in front saved himself last second! Someone (named Jason from team stooge I believe) had a tire blow out and had a spill. Hope he’s doing alright.


@mynamesmatt mhhh… we forgot to shoot some pics around southpark :expressionless:


i think your tag is wrong because my board is that one looking goood hahaha fixed that for you :wink:


Ah jeez! Everyone sitting on the back of their board??? Was that a rule?!? None of you ever butt boarded? It’s like street luge, you need your butt over the front trucks to be stable! Lay back, head over your rear trucks, feet hanging in the open off the front end! That’s the key to going fast, being stable on a board while sitting/laying on it. Every street luge guy knows this!

I want a new video tomorrow with your positions fixed. I’ll take a photo to show you how it’s done.

I’d have been the one guy laying down with feet off the front. You can go 70mph on one of these boards like that. I’ma try this on my Haya next time I go out skating.

How are you guys liking IMI? Not a bad track imo.

Edit here’s how you need to do it. No wobbles. Feet to brake if you need to brake fast.