Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

13s5p 30qs, 15/33, 190kv TB 6355s, unity

176mm gold SR hangars on bowery surf adjustable baseplates, tiller mounts

red 100mm Boa’s, Jet killshot with my own glass frit grip


How’s the torque? Top speed? What’s the range your gettin?

@Robin, please please make a build thread and do a little bit of write up. Also make sure to put pics in order. Very inerested in how you created the mould for the enclosure and fitted it perfectly to the deck. I bet it will be a popular thread.


Haven’t maxed the board out yet, only took it for a short ride today. This battery is from my previous build but I was getting at least 20 miles in SF hills riding hard (I never actually tested the max range because I get range anxiety and end up charging on group rides). I could probably get 25-30 miles on flats.

I’m hoping to hit 40+ mph. These motors took me to 37 on 15/38 12s on a previous build (or was it 15/36, not sure), so I should be able to hit 40. That being said, torque is slightly lower, but still pretty good since I only weigh 150 lbs it’s still plenty of torque for my needs.


that’s a siiick build. that enclosure though…

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Are you changing electronics to a vesc?


How did that happen
🖼 Pictures and nothing else!

…and where is your trampinator title by the way @BillGordon @mmaner


Andy asks and it is done.


Well done :pray::+1:


Well, secured the motor on the motor mount like usual for easy removal of the bell. Then I pulled the bell but there was no resistance from the magnets, just from the wires :crazy_face:

Meanwhile I could separate the parts and gonna try to glue the stator back to the motor plate. These are cheap ass (before tax and fees) motors from china. There is even just 1 flat spot for 2 bolts holding the shaft, that’s why it moves sideways. And the windings are also outside of the motor, no silicone or plastic wires. In the pictures it looks like 12AWG but they are heat shrinked windings :expressionless:.

I kill every motor within a few days/weeks/months this is so frustrating. That’s why I tried cheap motors (battle hardened) but then you fight with more problems as you can see.

Any recommandations for a reliable sensored motor?

6355 or 6364 150kv with 10mm shaft and for my MTB motors with 8mm shaft, 190-220kv and longer (or equal) than 6374 (no SK8 or closed Maytech)

Haha thanks for the title :joy:


I think my favorite is that yoda one or the hand :+1: :metal:. Is it the shine on the epoxy that give it that wavey trippy look? And you got some stickers


It is the gloss finish of the epoxy and the weird light in my Loft casting reflections all over the place.

The Yoda is clearly for @deckoz to update Master Evo. He did the art.

The hand is really freaking cool. It is my favorite from this batch.

It is a painting by @Deodand that got high res scanned (or photographed, I forget), and we got it printed. So it is his original painted artwork now captured on his ride!

Still loads of work to do on these. Sanding, staining, grit, blah blah blah.


The hand reminds me of the Gonzo Hunter S Thompson symbol.


this is so next-level, I just can’t lol

I seriously want them all. That’s messed up.


I’ve got some fun plans for the trippy stick. Changing by the minute in my head :sweat_smile:

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Your boards look absolutely incredible. The colors and sharpness is impressive considering it is fabric! Good job!


where did ya get those nifty carbon motor covers?

The Hand is AWESOME! well done @Sender @Deodand!


If i got the time for it, i do :+1::+1:

I would say the colors are so wonderful BECAUSE it’s cloth. The material It’s printed on really makes these designs pop. I mean Tim did such an amazing job on my board, as he does every board, that it looks exactly how I rendered it in illustrator. I know I say this a lot but @Sender you’re a damn legend.