Push assist/Endless mode, let's talk about it!

So do it then :joy:

On my desk before lunch or were discussing your continued free of charge employment


This is why I think you always need a front foot sensor – no front foot = board should brake slowly, so that it doesn’t fly off. Flying into traffic can happen to regular boards, so having a smart board that knows “no one is on me” and stops would be awesome.

Hell, if no front foot is present I’d want it to stop pretty quick. Make the front foot a deadman’s switch, and the back foot be the “kick sensor” foot. Basically maintain speed while both feet are on, allow speed adjustments when the back foot is off, (acceleration or braking) and actively slow down if both feet are off.

Patent Pending, Send all royalties acrued to my paypal. @Brenternet


No sensors, no pads, no switches or clickers or buttons or anything that complicates riding a skateboard in my opinion.

Do you guys not want to move around on your deck? More complexity, especially on diy, is just going to add more ways for things to go wrong. Esc, remote, battery. When we start tacking other stuff on it gets messy and people get hurt.

I understand the safety aspect if and when it’s all working and built correctly but we’re messing with rolling wheels, electricity and pedestrians already, it’s a risk as it is now!

Just hold your remote properly and you’re safe from shooting off boards :+1:



Yeah I’ve been thinking of having a drop-down board (so that I have clearance for direct drive) with 4 sensors like this:

(Goes completely against what @Brenternet just said lol)

The back-foot extra switch could be pressure based, so that you can lower the speed at a rate depending on how hard you push on it.

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:neutral_face: that’s straight up satanic!

I’ll see you in the afterlife my friend, I’ll be sure to save you a spot.


I can picture you dancing on the board to adjust your speed :smiley:


Great inputs guys! This will help a lot!

Whoever designs and makes a plug and play solution for this will be great too!

gets money ready to toss

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Just throwing it out there that many riders (myself included) move their front foot around alot. Maybe there can be a setting that changes the “deadman peddle” from ‘Instant’ to ‘X seconds delay’ so it doesn’t buck if someones foot slides off the sensor :+1:

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my solution would be

  1. to have something read acceleration.
  2. if acceleration spikes, apply an impulse of X motor current depending on acceleration spike and speed of board?
  3. i don’t know.
  4. give up trying and manual skate.
  5. use a remote?
  6. get an EUC
  7. give up learning and walk.

what the fuck



5 char

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Wadji has a secret firmware which enables endless ride using the UART Proton monitor…don’t have access to it tho



While I wish to stay out of the argument between trick ESC and pressure sensors - these little things make cheap and excellent pressure sensors - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32830267123.html?spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.1de237a5SDHRKl

I’m using them to run a torque sensing e-bike.

They feed right into the ADC 0-5v signal. You can decrease the weight sensitivity (to make suitable for foot pressure) by laying some rubber strips over the top.

Words of warning though-

  • in their natural state they aren’t very linear - you must adjust the throttle curve in VESC if you don’t want 50% throttle at about 20% pressure.

  • When they short out they return all 5v to the VESC. This made for an interesting ride home in the rain on my bike once, but would be more if a problem on a skateboard.


you put quite a lot of work into that didn’t you Breant?


IMO try using an encoder instead with a short timed cruise control to emulate push.

Keep a braking remote like a ring remote or a foot switch in front area of your board so when you want to brake you also get a slow ramping brake.

Edit : No noise signal and doable with just vesc.

But actually the reason I looked into this thread is I want to figure out some sort of push-to-start setting with my VESC so that it ignores any throttle input below a certain RPM threshold.

IMO this is also an important part of an endless mode substitute, both for the natural feeling (if using Mellow style ESC) but also safety if dealing with pressure sensors.

Something to add to the VESC wish list?

For push to start there are multiple ways to acheive using h/w already available: -
Anti-sparks, FatBoy by @3DServisas, FS one by @Gamer43 @MartinSp
Unity - h/w basic type, apparently takes a good push to activate


Maybe a little of topic but it could be fun to rig up a board that applied power based on truck lean. This would mean that you could carve to build speed, then stop to coast. Maybe it could increase based on carve frequency so that you can still take corners whilst costing, and after 2 or 3 fast carves it would start to ramp the power in a little more with each turn. It would be kind of like an assisted pump board. Also it would look super incognito on a stealth board.

Think I’m going to coin the term “Carve & coast”