Pneumatic Wheel Compendium (Serious)

Someone made a spacer for Rockstar iis, I believe it was @Pedrodemio
Edit: It was @ZachTetra and @mishrasubhransu

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what material can you use to make it?
or best cnc’ed?

also for tires what do you use?

The spacer is for superstars.

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Idek I don’t have a printer lol

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Does metroboard use sunmates for their hubs? Want to get their 52t pulley.

Also, where does one buy them? Lol

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do you know what tires and tubes they would use then?

Bro why don’t u use the search. Look for the widening whee hubs thread. This I kinda getting off topic here…?


k thanks

I think @mishrasubhransu said he was using clever 200x50s

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did a bit of looking but couldnt find it

do you have the link for the spacer (stl/step) for metroboard hubs??


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Metro board please
Unless they are the same?

Haven’t used them myself, but I can say that they come off of the printer looking great. This was one of the first parts I made on the mf, great design! :clap:t4:

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Are metro board 155s the smallest pneumatic that fit a 4" hub?

Got some 9" on now but want to do a range ride on the bike trail.


What are some good hubs that I can use on my metro 155s that have wheel pulleys <60t? Can’t do evolve, won’t work on what I’m building.

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Metroboard they offer 52t pulley

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Yeah I messaged them to see if they can sell me their sunmate hubs separately, if they can, I’ll probably take those.


Or you can use trampa if your interested
They should work fine
Superstars are literally sunmate exact copies


I’d get superstars instead. :eyes:. Butttttt I know we all hate trampa :joy: