P42A pack damage - WTF happened?

There aren’t any cells made for vaping by any of the manufacturers. :slightly_smiling_face:
If there were they wouldn’t need anything different than the cells used for any of the other “pulsed” applications like power tools and electric vacuum cleaners.

Molicels are definitely made to be spot welded too. I don’t know why the P42A is harder to spot weld on the negative contact but perhaps their cans are thicker?

For the large pack assemblers this isn’t an issue as they can easily change weld settings when using Molicels.


Yeah, I meant by that that they are a little bit different from other cells in the rating.
They are rated 45A and I’ve read that it was for a vaping usage.
I certainly misunderstood :frowning:

And the P42a require higher curent to spot negative side than 40T for exemple.
Don’t know why tho…

Here’s 42J on 0.2mm nickel on Tesla model 3 cells. It nearly burns through the nickel sometimes. I’d blame this on my kweld not being accurate though. It’s different for everyone

(Unless I’m stupid and it’s a bad weld. Passes the pull test and everything)

Welds on the right are ugly because they were done with nasty probes.


I honestly think test welds that are ripped should be standard practice every Pgroup.

Yea I did, but its important to consider that i abused the crap out of them and at the time welded 2-3 12s6p batteries daily.

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