Opinion: 6355 Motors for mountain board build

Hello community,

So now that I have finished my street build, I’ve moved on to a mountain board build. I have a extra 6355 motor, and I’m thinking about using that for the mountain board build. I’m obviously concerned it might be too much for these motors. I will NEVER use the build on any terrain other than NYC asphalt. Any builders out there with Trampa’s or MBS builds use 6355 size motors?

I’ve definitely seen street AT/light off road builds with 6355


Been using dual 6355 in urban on a street trampa with no issues, but I guess it also depends on what you think is ‘enough’ and how fat you are


Using pneumatics on street? You can use a 6354 if its got a low gear ratio, top speed of 20 should be the ball park for acceptable torque


Lol, I don’t think I’m very fat at all. I do have some serious hills near my place. For the most part, trying to travel around 25-30mph. Looks like I’ll pull the trigger on a second 6355 Flipsky.

I think my ratio will be 4.00. looking at the drive sold by ATC.

Single motor? Should be enough if you don’t expect rocketing torque and high top speed in one package. Zach said it good.

I did single drive 6880 (6374 stator) for a while and it got me around pretty well offroad and on.

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Thanks. It will be a dual 6355 motor setup. I have 1 left over from my street build, so I’m thinking of buying a second one.

With two you’re definitely good. They will heat up quick if you’re really pushing it hard but that’s life.

If you’re not too fat and going up vertical hills it will be enough.

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Currently I’m using a single 5065 on 6" pneumatics, and I go up a small 20 to 30 degree hill all the time, its top speed is only 16ish MPH and me/gear/board are like 150lbs tops but its still…thats not bad


This one? Want pics and specs :laughing:

Like others mentioned 6355 work fine on streets as long as you don’t go off-road or expect crazy acceleration with 1:4 gearing on 8".

Which kv?


Dual 6355, 150kvs on a Tampa here. Light off road. Expect some thermal throttling with spirited skating. I weigh 170-160.


LOL, that’ my daughter’s ride. As for my build, Dual 6354 Flipsky 190kv. Just did my calculations, and my ratio would be 4.5 with 16/72 pulley combo. I usually kick push to start my momentum on my Street build.

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I’ve been running dual 6354 190kv on a trampa hybrid build
Dual flipsky 190kv 6354
15/44 pulleys
I have yet to find a hill I can’t climb (not for lack of searching)
Only detail is I weigh 125lbs


Ok, I’m feeling good now. I weigh 180lbs currently. Trying to get to 190lbs though. LOL

Anyone know where I can buy Cross Bars? I purchased the Matrix II Motor Mounts from Boardnamics, would like Cross Bars.