Noticed quicker acceleration while holding water bottle?

BuT i ThInK yOu DoNt WaNt To LeAn PaSt 37 DeGrEeS

WaTeR BoTtLe On A pOlE

WhY iS yOuR aVeRaGe Gs OnLy .5???


I mean I could. But I don’t think the cells would be happy if the board was used like that frequently. (Yes, I regularly use full throttle.) Also my controller is advertised at a 100A per side battery current limit. I am already at 90A per side. I am not comfortable going over the controller’s advertised limit. 4WD would be a solution to getting around the controller’s limit though. I am still on 2WD

why haven’t you disabled the current limiter?

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LeAn WiTh Ur PeEn!

am I doing this right?


I think i get it guys. We all have the additional acceleration from the counterbalancing factor of our massive balls required to actually ride and a dick length not measured with a micrometer, thats why he needs a 17 foot long pole just to match us!


These could do it with claimed 120 amp for ten seconds.

Like 50 cents each. They show 90% capacity in my use.

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Nope, not even close. It actually delivers the most power around 80-90A each because at that current level they sag down to half of their nominal voltage. This chart tells more than any rating.

And approximating the voltage sag from their discharge curve it’s a mere 10kW after my box is 100% full with the 63 cells that probably wouldn’t even fit. I would probably need to leave out a column or a row, maybe even both further lowering max power and range.

And then I didn’t even think about a layout that works well for building, nor did I think about the series connections, and I am also sacrificing some voltage (and therefore, motor RPM). And then also I’m getting about half the range at best. Those cells are no good for anyone looking for performance.


How’s the acceleration?

Ohh, there is along history to this thread…

… Good?

No. Very no.


Only if you consider meth good


… is this a “Terrance Howard” situation?

Gwyneth Paltrow meets Elon Musk level shiz

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You don’t have to lean a full 45 degrees during 1g acceleration while holding the pole. More like 38 degrees from vertical.

The issue isnt just leaning you dolt.

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I tHiNk YoU dOnT wAnT tO lEaN aT 45 dEgReEs

A variety of hold angles.


Your dying? Imagine him every day having the internal debate “ has it been long enough yet?” The sleepless nights and scenarios endlessly gone through,and from the very little I have gleaned about this, many many complicated diagrams.
Like Dr strange each time venom busts him right away in each iteration except 1 perfectly executed post exactly 4 years out. I chose to believe if he had been able to resist the clever user name he’d have gotten away with it but for that medaling kid and his too smart dog.

( yes I’m full of it but this word salad I posted made me happy)

Also should have used soda water in the bottle :exploding_head:


there’s no waterbottle, dog needs to lean more

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