New incomer (Need help with my first build)

I recommend grabbing a bluetooth module so you dont have to take your board apart to change settings on your vesc.


Also with bluetooth, I usually have my remote in my right hand and my phone on my left and showing my speed/battery/amps ect…

I get excited watching someone start their first build. I know you already said you’re taking your time, but I want to emphasize the importance of that. This is a very dangerous sport or hobby or whatever they hell they call this. I learned the hard way that taking your time to build it and to test it will go a long way. Also, no matter how much planning you do, you will run into problems. But keep us posted on the build! I can’t wait to see how it turns out. It’s already looking better then my current board


Mhm! For now I’ll be gathering all the parts, learning more about the components, etc until spring/summer. Then I’ll start to invest more time into it when I have less work on my hands and begin to build it during April-May hopefully. If you’re still here I’ll keep a little journal of my build from Day 1 to End once I get my hands on everything.


I would love to be able to watch your project, sadly from the middle of March to the end of August, I will be in Fort Sill, Oklahoma for basic training. Hopefully I’ll be able to find it when I get back!


The great thing when you’re not rushing is you can always keep an eye out for good deals, finish your shopping list on even half the price, AND it won’t hit your wallet since you’re spending small amounts here & there

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I surprisingly still build batteries on the side even if I work at Lacroix. I’m a busy guy but I always work at 110% lol