My integrated deck project continues | Test monkeys found

Seems like it.

Just wanted to go public here for transparency

I’m one of the testers on the 2nd to last board. I listed my bustin build which is essentially going to be transplanted over the new build. Best part is I don’t even have to redo any of the vesc programming cause that’s done :stuck_out_tongue: Doing the transplant because I want to do the bustin right with eboard’s flexible enclosure but they’re on full lockdown right now so it’s just sitting there and I’d rather use it.

I should be able to get it done within 1-2 days. I commute daily via the board so I should be able to put on miles plus I live in Texas so I’ve got shitty roads and stupid weather going for me. I’ve also ridden with DFW Esk8 Alliance and last time we went through forest trails.

The only thing I might change is going from AT DD to maybe thane belt drives. That ways, I’ll get more vibration going through the deck and do more testing.

Personal specs:
5’9" (5’10" on a good day :stuck_out_tongue: )
165 - 175 depending on how much I eat that day (been lower recently since I haven’t be able to gym/climb)
Love carving and going fast
Construction on my daily commute so expecting lots of vibrations and rocks.
Pebbled paths (which is why I went AT but I’m willing to do thane again)

My main board right now a torqueboard rocket running Elofty DD with 6" AT. I enjoy shortboards (especially one you can mall grab) so I’ll be able to give a direct comparison between the two since they’re very similar in profile (actually the only difference I can spot right now is the TB is asymmetrical vs the twin)


Tomiboi is sending out more than just a couple decks, so we’ll definitely get a chance to see some testing and some good reporting even if one or two fall through the cracks.


Lol this is exactly what I was thinking about. Plus the level of detail in posts, responses, effective feedback. Idk, I feel like tomboi probably knew what he was in for but I don’t see how it will be the same kind of feedback as some of the others could give. Maybe Mcgee could have been nicer but he has a point

For example I believe that @yelnats8j will give great feedback - also a “kid”


I guess that when those things happened I really was just an idiot but I genuinely believe that over the last 6 months I have actually been pretty decent towards the community and haven’t said or done anything ridiculously stupid

I have aphid a fully working board since September this year and over those 6 months have put over 600miles on it which is like 1k kilometres

I really want to prove myself to the community and I gruel believe I can do good with this one

This is no longe my first build and I have learnt so Much since then
Obviously if I can’t get this build working I will transfer the board to someone else who can do something with it

Over the next couple months I have no school and virtually nothing to do due to covid19 I have hours to work on this build and hopefully I can really show some of the less believing out there what I can achieve

I will be doing no routing or anything to this deck for the simple reason that it can still be virtually new if something goes wrong with my build

Thanks and I know this was a bit of a long rant but there are times where certain members of the community don’t give some other lesser members a chance

Thank you to everyone on this community who has supported me till now


Guys, let’s give the kid a chance.

My main concern is that you won’t have enough funds to build the thing. I’m seeing you have all these sale threads(like myself) and u seem to be struggling to come up with the money to build the thing.


This isn’t me trying to attack you or call you dumb! You have grown tremendously as a member if the community. However, there haven’t been any build logs or anything showing your improvements. Your posts are more entertaining than informative. Your heart is in the correct place but try making some quality reviews on your gear first or anything!

I hope you prove us all wrong…


Didnt you carve out extra space in one of them causing a point of failure? Just want to clarify.


So I already have all the parts and tons of extra bits like screws xt90 and so on

I have quite a bit of funds now seeing as I worked quite hard over the last couple months and have a few hundred quid to spend on this board


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Well after 2 1/2 years of being in this comunity and building 6 boards I sure hope I can.


Shit, you can do things that Im still trying to learn to do! You have my confidence 100%


I will gladly take those off your hands :wink: like legitimately I will :joy:

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@yelnats8j has tons of Esk8 experience! Dudes like 15(give or take) and builds batts, skins decks, and rides like an idiot/maniac :love_you_gesture:t3: I’ve got mad respect for him :fist_right:t3:


Thanks guys @DEEIF @Bobby

Is it possible to get a mod to clean this place up?

I dont get why some people can’t keep to them self.


Yeah obviously when I receive it I will sell it for 200 to @Bindings_McGee

Whats there to clean up. If theres something that doesnt belong then flag it.


Fucking Days of Our Lives in here.


I didn’t aim my comment specifically at you broseph. Sorry if you took offense.

Sure getting things tested is great for everyone, and if he can hand out samples for free thats even greater. Personally I think that if I’m invested enough in making this build happen(and the decks do look quality enough to safely stand on), I can contribute a coin towards somoenes craftmansship. If he dont need the coin, then thats great. Kudos.

I just wouldn’t feel right.


Better yet, don’t send it to me. I don’t want to be like the stupids in here arguing.

Good luck with everything!


@tomiboi any plans for a version that fits double stack 18650?