My integrated deck project continues | Test monkeys found

The one I have feels quite similar in flex too a 9ply deck. Matched with 74a 110s its a comfy ride.

Top mounted advantages:

  • Don’t need to threadlock bolts holding the lid – very useful for traveling by airplane!
  • Less tension
  • When you have griptape over top, there is less giveaway that it is an electric board
  • Most water / mud splashes from the bottom, so it is slightly better at ingress protection
  • Less material between remote and receiver

They’ve got more flex than I thought they would. It depends on the deck and how much fiberglass used, but they’re definitely not perfectly stiff. They have energy and enough spring for comfort and vibration dampening. The kick-tail is an exception.

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oh interesting. I thought its more of a Exway type of stiff. That’s good to hear!


My very sad sale lots of stuff how prophetic.


I’m ok with the board being sold. It’s an early version. I’m testing the most recent iteration.


Some side and bottom pics :innocent: please

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This project started with a kick-tail and I finally got my kick-tail.

Out of all of them I think that this one is going to be the most fun :yum:



That is so much better than an Omakasi

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I didn’t love the dual Hammerhead shark look of the old one, but this upgrade is the absolute tits. I’m going to try and resist the urge to throw money at you because I have decks waiting, but resistance may be futile. This hits all the points on my shorter board wishlist.


Personally it’s hitting all the points on the medium length board wishlist :yum:


Don’t you @b264 me, friendo. I said shorter, not short. However, medium is probably a better descriptor.


I gave it some old-school/gold-school style :blush: Also, with the increased angle of the kick and widening of the truck mount-holes, it isn’t as likely to do an instant wheelie every time you accelerate :grin:

One more thing, the negative area on the deck pictured glows in the dark. Use your imagination :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Haha I still don’t understand his obsession with boards shorter than his shin bone, I will always be a sucker for the 40" to 36" range…even with short legs I like room to move around

The V2 drop mount is a perfect size and I love it so much, last of the battery supplies came in this afternoon so I’mma have that running soon and I’m HYPE!


Well they can wait, the battery compartment is so easy to build in, and you don’t have to worry about any of that enclosure mounting BS.


How do you think that stacks against the Neo One deck? If you can ship them without cracks you’re already ahead :joy:

With some fiberglass and grip it might be an alright ride, but I have a feeling that deck is going to be widely used as a rolling-tray/stash-box for a lot of people. Regardless of the deck, I hope Mr. Wu keeps up with the hub design. It was a rough first round. I hope he gets right with folks and gives it another go.


You’d have to take a big fuckin’ hammer to these decks to do any damage. No way they are cracking in the mail. I also would take anything Jeff said about the Neo One deck’s construction with a giant grain of salt considering what we’ve seen from his other offerings and how they showed up to customers…


At/ Carver v2 looks really sweet!!! I agreed about the transition of the enclosure to the nose area. When and where will these be available?

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