Metallica decks

All due respect, that deck is garbage. We should get a LaCroix and put some Zorlac artwork on top, @Sender?


FTFY :wink:


wouldn’t buy it if it where the last deck on earth because Metallica disappointed me long time ago for sueing fans for downloading albums on napster, because that greedy ulrich needs more profit for expensive artworks. I was fan since their first album kill em all but threw all albums into the trash can and have never ever klicked and/or listened to a song since then.
Edit: black album is britney spears anyways


They’re Metallica. They’re wealthy. They could have any deck design in the world - naw like @mmaner said that deck doesn’t do them justice!

Hey @metallica lmk when you want a deck worthy of your legacy!


@jamie dropped the mic


^ That

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@b264 Ordered for the shape… a Schmitt Stix made Jim Muir deck in 2019… as long as this is not Justin fing-Bieber on there I’m in lol :smile:

“The board shape and airbrush paint was designed by Jim “Red Dog” Muir and produced by Professor Schmitt at PS STIX”


@sk8l8r both the prof and Jim are top-of-the-industry folks! I’m sure it’ll be a sweet deck.

@City-Blade-101 I just pretend that never happened lol !


anything the artist Pusshead touched is golden.


they lost me at Justice. I had mixed feelings about it, it was the beginning of the end. puppets and lightning all the way though.

still… in retrospect… even though they were on the playlist… they were never slayer/testament/anthraxx/etc culture anyway. we were all just confused back then.


really? for me justice was their masterpiece. liked every album before as well so jump in the fire, but justice was my personal favorite. Mmmmm choice is yours don’t be late hahahaha god bless we all like different stuff

seems like the older i get the more extreme my music gets. I’m almost always listening to metal step, black metal, death metal, older industrial, and heavier dub-step and shit like that now. metallica and slayer seem tame compared to black dahlia and dimmu borgir and cell dwellar and circle of dust

and then i go off and listen to tricky when i need to calm down.


hahahha…im into death metal since the very first day. got about 3000 albums i listen to and Monstrosity is my very first best band of all time(in dark purity). I go the opposite direction and going the bit softer route since a few years…like girl metal bands like Crucified barbara or phantom blue as well. Good old Ministry is one favorite of mine for decades as well…oh man, there are so much bands to talk about these days we all carry around right in our pockets right know:grinning:
double edit: but i do not stuck to one kind of music, like very much other stuff as well nobody of my friends can believe. love jamiroquai or traditional thai pop music as well.

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Grew up with my brother who raised me Punk and not this fad skinny jeans emo goth BS, I mean anti-establishmentism, anarchist of the people, I used to have long hair just so I could swing that shit around while playing my 4string. Now 32 I’m a father of an active 8month old and I sing her little baby bum songs. Life took a left turn I guess. I still pop in the SOAD the toxicity of my city of my city!!!


yeah, i listen to this noise for about 30 years now(im 45) and since a few years i mostly listen the softer route like i mentioned before. We all get older and teenage age has been well with this stuff. listened this every day and now on my older days i can just sit and read or talk just without any music in the background. that were not possible 3 years ago. don’t say i have changed, but i now can enjoy the silence more often then before.

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Truth. Bands like Suicidal Tendencies & Anthrax and earlier Black Flag & Danzig…that was good stuff. I was into Megadeath, Metallica, Flotsam & Jetsam, etc. Specifically, Master of Puppets was the last REAL Metallica album, IMHO. Everything after was too overproduced for metal.


ST, Black flag, Danzig…I approve all of these!

I’ve lived deep in the roots of punk for most of my life. Actually got to hang and smoke with a few of the dudes from bad brains out in DC one night at an anti-flag concert!

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yeah i’m pretty sure circle of dust is my favorite sound right now. Gojira is another one i truly love.


I’ve gotten back into more stoner riff metal/rock.

Bands like Red Fang, Graveyard, Vintage caravan, and Truckfighters.

My Mtb build is going to be named “Desert Cruiser” one of my favorite songs from Truckfighters

If you haven’t heard it, I really liked dear desolation by thy art is murder