Unless you’re hiding components somewhere, this just looks like a vedder switch with a different layout.
The components are on the back of the circuit board
Yes I see that, but this doesn’t really look like a new design to me.
Unless you’ve wildly redesigned the use of 3 resistors, a capacitor, and a diode this design is the same one.
Mind me asking where this is at or how it’s done with the components on your PCB?
Pcb layout~
How’d you have a pre-charge using the same components as a vedder switch?
This ^^^
I’ll soon tell you i have 2 coming. As one of the leading destroyers of all things anti spark if I can’t kill it then everyone should be safe. For me so far the luna one has lasted the longest but that was only 3 months. That one also failed in the on position and its still in a build I sold because I had a loopkey wired into the loom. Told the guy it was roll to start once the loopkey was in.
Didn’t really
We shall await your verdict
Nice. I’m hoping you get good results. The whole anti-spark part of our builds is shitty and has been for years. I only have one that’s worked reliably for 3+ years. It’s an Ollin one from back in the day. Every other one I try lasts a couple weeks at best.
Fwiw my unity roll to start on both unities is solid. Not using the switches though.
Small size is the factor too. I was confused for a bit because kugs posted a picture of it and I thought it was his. Still not sure how the pre charge is achieved though but for some reason I have high hopes for them.
Enough to pay for them. lol
We will await his veddict
Because we so desperately need a small form factor quality switch.
We do and thats why I blindly chucked cash at this in the hopes of a solution.
Here’s to hoping. I haven’t even recieved my parts for my first build. The first thing coming in is my metr pro unity edition but I’ve been researching enough to know these switches are a weak link