Looking for ESC / VESC and pre built battery. Help out a noob!

Are there any good options for pre-built battery’s? or someone that would build me one?
Looking for esc / vesc or advice on where to buy one.

I have a single (planning on getting another) 6354 190kv motor (36/20) 80mm wheels would like to get a 10s5p battery

Price range for battery is around $200 - $350, also willing to work out a payment if anyone has a used focbox

From Texas, us

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Where do you hail from?
Also, there’s a noob question thread that’s quite active on this forum. Might be a good idea to direct your questions over there!

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And give the boys a fuckton more info on current parts and plans. Can’t help you with what you’ve shared at this point. Good luck on the journey.

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Yip. Give us Our vision and maybe a price range you’re good.for

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What are you looking for? I can build one to spec.


10s5p with charger, 30Q cells would be perfect for me. can you ship to me in texas usa?

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I can ship you anywhere on the planet.

PM me and give me the layout and I’ll give you a quote.


Here comes the part he’s not ready for


A well build 10s5p is not going to be cheap, but definetly way worth it.


I get a cut, i brought him over here :smiley:

even if it’s just some n00dz jk

@Jeller to maybe answer your other question, here is a full thread about it.


I have some everglades property I can sell you super cheap.

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If i can live there in peace i’m in. I’m sick of neighbours.