LAVAGIRL - tomiboi MTB | ubox v1 | 12s8p p42a | Luna 350s | Reacher 6485s

A couple of updates:

I bought @rafaelinmissouri’s weird DV6 pro, I’m going to try to get it reflashed and functioning normally.

I’ll eventually be putting this thing in and doing away with my v1 ubox. I’ve been running 100 motor amps per side without any issues, but I’d love to be able to up that to 110-120+ without worrying. Plus, eliminating bomb hazards is always wise.

I redid my griptape and I’m super unhappy with it. I opted to use some 1/8" adhesive neoprene padding… and that made it really hard to get a good crease on the edges, which made it really hard to get a clean cut.

Oh well. I’ll redo it later. At least it’s comfy. Don’t look too close.

Anyone in the Seattle area want to skin/frit this thing for me? :sweat_smile:


Looking really good man, pro tip with white base graphics- take a fat/worn sharpie or and hit the edge, using the side of the felt nub and just run it along the cut edge. Watch all your little mistakes disappear.

If you deck and neoprene where white or a different color you can use a paint pen to color match and a black paint pen will last longer than sharpie but the grip will wear out before the sharpie fades with as much as you ride imho.


Good tips, I’ll try this out for a temp fix. The more I look at this, the more it bothers me… probably won’t be more than a couple weeks before I regrip it lolol

I’ll probably just skip the padding next time around, my feet can toughen up…

This padded griptape must have been tricky to cut. The order of operations must be especially important to getting a clean finish here.


I guess I haven’t updated this thread in a while, so here goes ~

I took off the Splattergoat stuff and added some Vicious grip – I really needed more grip, sometimes it felt like my feet were losing traction before my wheels…

I’ve had this weird crookedness on my rear truck - at first I thought it was a bent kingpin, so I swapped that out, but the bend remained… so I swapped out my truck bolts, and still the bend persists. I’m worried it’s my hanger.

Thankfully it’s subtle enough that it doesn’t affect my riding experience too much. Plus I’ve been riding it like this since before Carve, so I’ve gotten used to it by now.

Does this look bent to you guys?

I’m riding through it regardless, and I hope it’s not a hanger issue, 'cause these Lunas seem to be hard to come by these days :sob:

Anyone want to sell me a single Luna 350?


Doesn’t seem bent but since you ride it most you’d know best. Have you tried checking out with a level?

I have some 290s for sale but you’d need longer axles.


This did not age well