iOS app that works with Focbox Unity on Kaly?

Is there an iOS app that will work with Unity on Kaly xl board without opening enclosure and plugging a third party Bluetooth module ?

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Beta stage:


Ernesto uses Xmatic if you don’t wish to go down the beta-test rabbit hole…

Yeah, you’d have to open your Kaly to upgrade the firmware to use my app. Not worth it for now if you just wanna experiment :stuck_out_tongue:


No need to open enclosure and install bt module for Xmatic???

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If you bought your Kaly from Ernesto, the BT module is already installed in your Unity!

so nope…

I hate all things Apple and haven’t tried xmatic… I use the unity app on android… not as full featured but I don’t really care…

good luck

Thx bro!!!

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I’ll definitely test your software and hardware when I’m brave enough to open the board

Does Xmatic work for a dual focbox running canbus ?

yes if your board has a bluetooth module installed if not you would need to open it and install it

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