Hoyt puck alternatives ?

Thanks for being good with words and stuff.

Now, who’s making the best esk8 remote ever? Oh, thats right, we just complaining.


Still me, chunderfuckers

EDIT: although i guess this is a “local” since it’s not actually remote


given the R button has functionality in pairing to the receiver, probably not a good idea.

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Wow, that was damned eloquent.


You showed that You are Not inclusive like all the crazies you excluded a PERSON because You didn’t like his VIEW. You are what you dislike. #FACT have a good day BRO :slight_smile: #THINK

I don’t believe I excluded him at all mate… just suggested that he be a little more selective with his words.



I don’t know man I see your point but at the same time you didn’t say #FACT which makes yours a much less compelling argument.


I’ve already dropped facts in here. I can’t believe that someone brought this thread back from the dead to call me out for being an asshole to an asshole. Wtf even is that.

Edit: my bad, didn’t notice that Hoyt brought it back. I stand by my thoughts that @SlickdogEsk8 is a weird cunt tho.

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This thread attracted more knobs than usual. :person_shrugging:


When it’s just you and I, it’s fine. It’s the other knobs that are the troublemakers.

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Funny seeing you here

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Restraining order still in effect.

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No apostrophe necessary. Keep on manning those assholes bud, we’re proud too.


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