How would u add an on/off switch to this esc?

The 3shul Vesc pin 24 states:
“Ignition Input. Connect to + Rail of controller to turn on the controller. (126 V max)” and seemingly won’t go on without using it.
Can I add one of these two switches?

One has three wires and one has four. The three-wire switch has:
“LED : 8
25-48v” written on it

The four-wire switch says nothing. I got these switches long ago and don’t remember anything about them.

What is your battery charge voltage?

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126v full charge

What u think is best? I’d prefer a push button over a toggle but don’t need it to light up or anything. Looking for simplest.

Actually that might not be the worst plan with how little current passes.

“Best” doesn’t mean anything. Best for what? Reliability? Appearance? Cost? Svelte? Ego? UX? Speed of manufacture? Best switch that doubles as a spearmint growing container?

If reliability is your goal, then use a 15Ω QS8 loopkey epoxied through the enclosure on the power rail, and connect the IGNITION wire straight to ESC+.


Sounds best to me.