If it helps, those sampling images were taken with this command:
foc_openloop 60 1000
Need to have the “heart” clicked in the VESC tool for the command to work. Also this is 60 peak phase amps, so you only need about 5-8 input amps to reach this level with the duty cycle being so low.
Might have to play with the second number, ERPMs, depending on pole count and voltages. Too high and the motor won’t start, too low and you probably won’t see decent back emf.
I think even on 6s you can get a decent graph if you up the RPMs a bit. I often test with a 30v 10A power supply.
As for changing out the chip - I don’t see why not and I’m pretty curious to see if it will help. It’s cheap and looks easy to swap so it would be worth a shot IMO. Not only is the pinout the same, but the passive shouldn’t change much either so it seems like a pretty safe bet.
Maybe @Lucky can provide some additional input on whether this is fine to swap, and if he thinks it will help.