How has ESK8 changed your life

This forum is rapidly becoming an unfriendly place for bullies and trolls. We can share our passion for esk8, give each other good-natured shit, and be actual humans being there for each other, all without being shitty or small about it.


You are a little angel my brother. I may take you up on the printing thing one day. Maybe some designs. You are in my circle now.


Fuck you bill


Goodbye forever, Skunk.


As are Kelly and Bill.



I appreciate it. Also, something I wasn’t going to share but since you shared a little I’ll give a little back. Right after everything took place. The first thing I did was start drinking. At 17, drinking almost every night was a terrible habit I got into. Between my girlfriend and you guys filling in the rest of my time I was thankfully able to drop it. So realistically, I don’t know where I’d be today without you guys


Kill me and I shall return twice as strong


I’ve been Motherless and Fatherless since age 33, lost both my parents (a year and a half apart) within 2 years 3 months of moving to Australia.

While that isn’t great, and esk8 is extremely interesting to me, loss isn’t why it captures me.

It is an escape from the daily grind, and a possible enabler into what I’ve been dreaming about ever since I could draw coherent designs.

I want to build an exo suit. Always have, and I now see how it’s possible. First I’ll have to make more money somehow, but that’s another day’s problem.


You are currently fueled by your recent trip among the esk8 cognoscenti. No stopping you now.


Go iron man.

We have similar stories. Not easy this life stuff is it?


Worst of all for me, at our farewell dinner my Mom said she’s afraid she’ll never see me again, I said don’t be silly Mom, I’ll see you when I come for holiday in a year. She died 9 months later in her sleep from asphyxiation at age 65, being an Asthma sufferer in her later years.

Dad died 18 months later from a heart attack at age 72.


I’m sorry for your loss, I wish you best of luck making an exo, I’ve always been fascinated by the concept


I’m sorry I’m late with responding. Still getting used to this forum. I’m so sorry to hear about the pain in your heart and the struggle of losing a momma. I hope that things have been going well as I know the holidays are always difficult but it’s a beautiful new year. As someone who’s battled it, I have to say esk8 really helped me feel free. Even during times of breakthrough pain I feel like skating for a little bit helps me forget things. I’m really lucky I have that to turn to.

I hope this year brings you so nothing but peace and happiness. Hugs from California :heart: