I did buy a leafboard off of Karam. Looks like they just recessed a hole in the deck but it looks really cleanly done and zips me around well.
There might be a reason for that. Correct me if I’m wrong but this deck is flat right? Also this board is single ESC so lot less space required. Do you have internal dimensions? Looking at it it’s like one day of work from scratch.
This one right?
I love short decks, but 60cm is too short IMHO
77cm seems like a sweet spot, including a nice LONG tail (17cm tail, 39cm wheelbase)
If you’re making some, count me in
Exacterry that one. Totally flat. Totally useless except you want it to be single drive, ultra portable and not faster than 20km/h. Plus i got no internal dimensions.
The ladies love the bulge
What are the inner dimension ?
inner - 460x120mm
outer - 650x255x32mm
sounds like i have a battery pack perfect for this in storage
Great little thing. What are we gonna do with it?
i can’t wait
Fixed it
To be honest I don’t like this design. I would have to put more effort in it. Main thing is that it would have to be laminated with something from the bottom as I would not feel comfortable without it (regarding it strength). I can try to look for some plywood and maybe try to do it but I can’t promise anything.