HELP PLS - Vesc tool 2.03 not opening

Ok so ill just do the plug 1 and 2 route.

Ill figure out after why other vesc tool not working.(im currently updating drivers in device manager. Turn out theres a bunch needing updates and i know that can screw things up)

I will. The instruction are mainly for the 4.12/4.20 esc and i have the 6.6plus.
I wanted to be sure not to brick esc

I used the excellent write-up to load ACK to VESC6

Did CAN-BUS work or did you do the 2 escs separately?

separately… just like the tutorial directs you to do…

:+1: sounds good

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OMG what a stupid pc.
For fun i tried shift then right click to open the move menu when your window goes nuts and ends up outside your screen.
So i tried move and clicked in middle of screen, nothing. (That was not the issue anyhow)
Did it again but clicked maximize just for fun…it fucken works now. I feel like punching my laptop lol.
Computers sometimes i swear.

Thanks for everyones help. (Anyhow if it doesn’t work im gonna use the AK and do the esc separately.)


Oh my god, i was ripping my hair out with exactly the same issues!! I read through this entire thread then just hoping to come across the answer and right at the end, there it was.

Thanks so much!!

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