Gauging interest flipsky 6374 motors group buy

that does nothing to allay my concerns that they’ll half-ass the battle hardening job

while i appreciate that they say they’ll do it, i worry they won’t do it to the extent or quality you’re expecting


Here is the pics they sent and they will send more soon

Also those are the enhancement

while that’s more epoxy than nothing, it’s not what would pass on this forum as battle hardened. they should have filled the gaps all the way to the open end of the can
not sure why they even bothered to do half the job without completing it


That gold ano is so out of place :cry:


Not really sure why there are 2 colours a bit blue and if you zoom in a lot of grey epoxy at the botttom

They can do mixed kv so I will tell them based on how many want each

We need it get 20 units and so far we have 12

What a shit job ! Haha, I was sure about that coming from Flipshit. Fucking clowns…


Yeah I guess it’s better then nothing though

I will ask if they can do the full job

You can ask for sure but IMO you can’t trust them to work properly…


Truthfully I’m not sure what I’m looking at here because the image is so low res. The blue epoxy is used to balance cans or something like that isn’t it?


It looks like theres some kind of ring or sheath over the magnets

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i would pick up 4 of these if someone is running a GB for US

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Yes. They do this on smaller motors as well.
Many of my Drone (Fpv) motors are this way.
Some have more than others.

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Pretty sure that epoxy is going to contact the stator, I wouldnt trust those motors as far as I can throw em.


To be faaaaaiiiiirr,
The kid did this before with flipsky remotes.
He brought the idea up and gathered interest. He then allowed @Anubis to take over the financial and shipping part. It ran pretty damn smoothly. Id be in for a pair… maybe


So I belive that shipping to the US won’t be that bad

@skyart or @Bobby they will probably be around 20-30$ extra to ship right to your door

If you are buying 4 it will probably be worth it

I am contacting them again to ask about the epoxy issue and if they can take pics of all the cans before sending in order to confirm they are good

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So we are now at 22pcs the more we get the cheaper it becomes

If anyone else wants to take over now and do the buying and everything (I don’t mind ordering but I think you need to do the money side) then please say

@BillGordon @mmaner I believe due to my age I am not able to actually run the group buy… correct?


Correct, so you need to find someone with Member status that is over 18 to do the group buy.


I will do

They said that they will check with their engineers about why the epoxy is done like this and reply tomorrow

Once again if anyone wants to take over from here the advantage is that no extra shippping costs for them so the total price for their motors is the one listed above

Possibly interested in 2 for the US. Do we know if these will be the D shaped or round shaft?

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