Free and open source BMS requirements

Theres a lot to like about DieBieMS. The hardware is awesome. The software has almost everything. Almost. It doesnt have a cpp wrapper and doesnt have uavcan.

I guess I could just fork it and add uavcan. But since 90% of the code comes from cubemx, 90% of the work is in adding the cpp wrapper and uavcan, so I may as well start over.

By comparison, the pcb will only take me 2 weekends once I know what to make.


Here is a proposed block diagram. I think this covers most of the vehicular use cases. The trade-off that I am making vs most bmses is that I have a second switch to tell the pack that it is in “Charge mode”. Charge mode allows the processor to disconnect the main switch for balancing, and when the charge is complete. In discharge mode (pack enable = on, charge mode = off) the processor cannot disconnect the switch, like when regen braking.

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Main reason i mentioned these 2 things is to broaden your audience. People making ebikes are getting their voltages higher and higher, and people making esk8s are making packs bigger and bigger (higher capacity). Therefore if you of configure the balance current on an App or whatever, but had the potential to get up to those currents, you’d have a larger clientele

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