Flipsky VX4 remote

Is it this one?

Is it plug and play or do I need to solder or rebuild somethin

There are a bunch of options also. Which one fits
The VX4?

You’ll need to do some soldering.

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Choose the up down and return to the centre 502 5k version. You have to solder 3 wires. Buy a few and keep as spares, the install takes no more than 10 mins it’s very easy


Been using factory branded FW from Apex without an issue for about a year, decided to update remote to 1.2.1 and receiver bootloader to 1.2 and fw to 1.2.1. Now there seems to be some problem with reading speed and other variables from esc as it randomly displays 0 everywhere for a second and then goes back to normal. The connection doesn’t seem to drop, as I have no issue accelerating or breaking any time and I get no vibrations from controller, I did have to turn off the low battery warning tho as this issue triggered the warning saying that i have 0% battery left.


1.2.1 i believe is for flipsky’s new non vescs.
Downgrade it to 1.2 should fix your issues.

I haven’t noticed any issues yet. The extra features only show when you set it to ftesc

How do I remove the case from the VX4?

Never mid. I realized there was a screw behind the sticker :joy::muscle:

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Is there anyway to configure the battery settings on the remote for life-po4? I only seem to be able to select that I’m using 12s? Thx

You configure in vesctool

For the vesc but not for the remote battery display .


Care to share the file?

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Oh yeah. I like this.
Much like the plasticine mod I made. :joy:

Was planning to epoxy a pair of plastic brass knuckles to give my vx4 some girth, still dont have in hand. I might not need it for my small boy hands, but it looks rather small compared to other remotes.


3D servisas case and thumbwheel are great


After eating shit with mine, i am defo still looking into brass knucks, the usbc is in the absolute worst place tho :smiling_face_with_tear:

1.2.1 vx4 remote

i have a shorting issue that only happens when i go over bumpy terrain - the remote vibrates/disconnects putting the board in what i call reverse-reverse mode while i’m still rolling (pressing vx4 forward brakes and pulling vx4 back also brakes).

something i don’t understand is why the display on the vx4 ALWAYS shows “R”: when i 1st power on, when i press forward or reverse, when i turn off “reverse mode”. i have NEVER seen an “F” for “Forward”. could this be related to my shorting problem?

my board is a flipsky lightening, and it’s been a nightmare board: faulty board batter charger, loose wheel, and internally crimped/fused wiring (looped over carbon fiber pinching partion).


So someone told me that with the board on, you could double-click the settings button to toggle between “F” and “R” which works. So what “F” and “R” actually do. If i’m in “R” does that mean i have the option to go backward, and if i’m in “F” i cannot go backward?

you mean, smart reverse is enabled?