EU - Motor dual mount kit + wheels

Hey guys!!

I am looking for a cheap and reliable motor mount kit + wheels shipping to Spain like the one in the link. Any ideas??

Doesn’t exist. These have a tendency to snap. They suck


Can you suggest me something else?

This person is in Spain.

When you say snap do you mean the belts or the actual hangers? My first guess is the belts, but I have some hangers that I’m pretty sure are at least slightly hollow inside from a cheap board, and I wouldn’t be surprised if these have the same thing.

I bought a cheap long board on amazon for the deck as it was $4 more than a blank deck and had free shipping. Only ever used them for one test ride to see just how shit the hardware was


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I have this parts for sale in case it would fit your needs. Used, but still in good condition.

Torqueboard trucks and motor mounts. Racerstar 140kV 5065 motors and 90mm Popoca wheels. Gearing is 15:36 if I remember right. Wheel pulleys are from Boardnamics.


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