Drilling Through Carbon Fiber?

It’s ridiculous and impractical to install, but once it’s in, its totally awesome.

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10000% this, I’d say less “drip” and more be liberal but alas yes.


I think it would be a good idea to drill through a block then place the block against the deck then you can prevent the bit from walking as well as pour some water into the hole to prevent dust.



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Even then you run the risk of this, if your overalls aren’t thick enough.

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they used to do vacuuming integrated into houses snd apartments before the portable I read as long ago as late 1800s. Thought it was gone. Seems much nicer than the portable.


Definitely feels like it’s built to last, in a way that our modern products and appliances so rarely are these days.

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Yes, i’ve talked with some of my coleagues, it appears they used to built them on most of the talest buildings in russia in the 70-80s


Thanks for posting!

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