DIY Ex-Snowboard (diy e-freeboard) SummerBoard

the lowest height you can make the design with minimal deck mods is the diameter of the caster wheel.

Side note if you want to try two castors on the nose and tail of the popsicle deck you could drop it lower.
Edge wheels in the middle of the deck like the @Mistreetsurf would be worth a test in general.

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Random note if you made the module pictured above these light up wheels would work.

Basically the same cost of the other wheels, if you wanted some cool looks but probably worse grip.

Maybe wrap the underside of the board with reflective material also.

I was thinking to 3d print or plastic mold a wheel shape and then wrap it with 2-3 layers of inner bike tube. and glue them together with silicone. Although i dont know if i will be able to get this small size innerbike tube.

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your sketches are quite artistic :muscle:

good luck with the build


Hey nice to see some new interest in a diy e snow board freebord, 3d printed parts work for proto typing…myne has lasted now for 3 months riding every second day without breaking, but I know if I try and jump on it, it will break. That said I’m not too sure what the solution is, I rekon aluminum welded parts or channel for the casters. Hope this helps you, still is good to make something yourself :snowboarder::+1: don’t give up. The other option is to try…and get a set of freebord casters and mod them to make it work, at least you know it will last​:+1:


Thanks jon, i really appreciate your comment. Yeah im thinking to firstly 3d print it, then when design will be polished, i will convert it into metal.

Sadly currently i literally dont have any money i can hardly afford food, as i am in a really bad financial situation. So no building this year :). Thinking about starting to build next year’s summer, spring.

I know how that feels believe me, but the first time you slide or spin the board you have made…you will know it is worth your effort, …I say again…don’t give up, If you need help let me know, I also had to build cheap…but so what👍


Hey guys I’m back here. Just a year ago I started making “EX-SnowBoard ”. This is the drawing

EX-SnowBoard ” Is a board which has one 360 wheel in the middle and two normal skate trucks, batteries, rc remote, one motor.

Have any suggestions?


Oh though of an idea where i use bushings instead of rounded wheels

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This would be really awesome.

But at that price point, it would just be a turd that would break down or burn down. I would aim for a much higher price point, double at an absolute minimum, probably 5 - 6x.


With only one motor it’s not gonna be fast… if you want the board to be able to slide it and spin it properly you should go for 2 rotating casters :v: good luck!

Love your sketch BTW :heart:


Thank you guys for suggestions :slight_smile:

Firstly, yes, price point will be higher,
Secondly thought about 2 motors and made decision to do two instead of one due to main 2 reasons:

  1. With one motor it would me more unstable.
  2. With one motor it would not go fast, motor may overheat and burn due to high load. 2 motors are better because your weight would be redistributed to 2 motors instead of one. That would be 2 times less load on each motors.

Guys I am thinking of creating crowdfunding for this project, what do you think? :smiley:

Crowdfunding is terrible for LEVs. There is a long history of failures and scams and items never delivered.

If you aren’t confident enough in your ability to produce this product at a good price point to put up your own money, then what makes you think you’re confident enough to risk other people’s money? If the first customers fund the company then they should get ownership of the company as well. They take the risk, they should get the reward.

Furthermore, as an engineer, the best way to screw yourself is to lock down the requirements and specifications so you can’t change them as engineering, technical, and business needs change. The crowdfunding model creates a specific set of inelastic expectations and requirements up front. It sets up the perfect scenario for failure.

If you aren’t confident enough to risk your own money with great freedom to make changes, then you don’t need to be risking other people’s money with little freedom to make changes.


I will do crowdfunding!

Are you a chatbot?

I am a chatbot! I was powered by chagpt(1993/10/10) 6:21:20

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Seems like it, because I don’t think you actually read the replies here.

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