Derelict Robot Industries

I dunno, maybe Fessypoo, you’re not my real dad.

My game plan is to design modular battery packs that don’t suck and an be easily assembled, so the nickel follows that. I’m not 100% on the exact details of where the next pack design I have in the works will land and won’t until we get the first pass on FreeSK8 stood up.

Speaking of which, we’re trying to get beta launched this week so I’m outy~


Launch that bad boy!

How on earth do yall get memes to show up!?!?!?


i just go on giphy and copy the link, boomer


Download the image, then drag the image into the composer window here


Omg i am so proud of myself!


Have some excess inventory (200) on these + going to throw some collectors items up on garage sale later this week.

50+ qty use discount code: BULK-DISCO for an extra 20% that’ll bring the per-cell cost down to $3/cell. :kissing_heart:

US shipping only on these, sorry buddies


Wanted to drop a quick update here & also cut the tape on our fancy new DRI official account, which will be used to direct business related stuff through. Hayyyy!

Before we dig into the technical details of the update: we are super excited to welcome @BenjaminF to the DRI team! He’s been a huge help in these critical early efforts and we couldn’t be happier to have him onboard, please be sure to haze the hell out of him for being a dirty sellout.

FreeSK8 Development Updates:

We’ve been pretty quiet as we’ve been heads down & focused on trying to push projects over the finish line into a public beta state. Originally we had hoped to have the Robogotchi released mid July, and unfortunately it looks like we will need another few weeks to get things finalized. Weeks though, not months.

The TLDR is that we are running a pretty lean prototyping process at the moment, utilizing JLCPCB to do a partial assembly of simple passive components and then doing final assembly + testing/programming in-house. This allows us to rapidly iterate hardware revisions on about a 10-day turnaround cycle.

We had a batch of 30 units come in partially assembled last week and ran into a placement error thanks to a ‘fix’ jlcpcb made for us (@shaman probably knows this pain at this point all too well) + some quirks in switching over to a larger QSPI flash module (nordic’s implementation is… special, so we’ve had some to do some work-arounds given limitations in their code). Unfortunately most of these are getting tossed/reworked for prototypes and we are moving onto another revision instead, which pushes our release back a bit.

Enough of the bad news, here’s the good stuff:

The NRF52 BLE Module is finished and will be available on our store this week for purchase.

There will be Standard, as well as Extended Range w/ Trace/External Patch Antenna variants available here. This is a drop-in upgrade for any existing NRF51 modules, so anyone having connectivity issues with current solutions should hopefully see an improvement with these. This module is just a BLE/NRF ‘dongle’, with no onboard datalogging/storage/extra features, but it’s very compact and for those who are just looking for a solid receiver/ble option this should hopefully do the trick.


Don’t want to give an exact release date on the Robogotchi & FreeSK8 Remote (OSRR 1.0) as we are already moving as quickly as we humanly can (and not sleeping as much as we should, no rest for the wicked), but I can tell you that we have inventory on-hand to build out about 50 units initially and more directly thereafter.

The time taken here is deliberate and also a result of the way that we’ve chosen to do manufacturing to maintain very tight control of QA/QC and final testing processes.

@skate420 has also made significant progress on the FreeSK8 Mobile App, we have it approaching a stable beta release for the public in the next weeks. The app features benefit greatly from the integrated flash on the Robogotchi, so we’re trying to align the release of both to benefit the beta testing. More on this soon!

@SeanHacker continues to nail his role as H.R. Director.

FreeSK8 BMS & LightShow Module are projected at a late August/early September release.

And that’s all for now folks!


Hehe :smiling_imp: the duck sneaks his way further into the inner circles.


Dude that is a Goose, we’ve talked about this.


If you keep asking me to pinch your ass, I’ll be forced to take it up with HR Director Hacker. And the fact that you insist on calling it “goosing” makes it even creepier, grandpa


@DRI care to clarify for the un-initiated the distinction between this new account and your current @DerelictRobot account? Which one should I sent my time sheets to, and which one my glossy dick pic jpegs?


I don’t think he will do anything with your claims.


Yes, I am going to continue to be a shitlord pain-in-the-ass on my personal account but the @DRI account will be a shared account used for corporate shilling between @DerelictRobot, @skate420 @BenjaminF and @SeanHacker, just so we’re being transparent here.

Why do you ask the same exact question every week? They go to Sean, you know this.


And shill we shall.


Nope, but he’ll definitely do something with my glossy jpegs.


Bring the dongs! :eggplant::eggplant::eggplant:


RIP Mother Goose


@DRI Any chance there’s a trigger Freesk8 Remote :crossed_fingers:t3:

