Build VESC Tool on Raspberry Pi

I have not… but x86 helps a bit with compatibility.

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The boards are pulls from some failed new product that never launched. So these boards are being sold for less than what they cost to make. Quite high performance for a sbc, and x86 is convenient. Weird boards though!


Did you build this with QT Creator via the GUI, or qmake in a terminal?

I updated the original post with the build steps.


I tried qmake 5.0 with the required libraries on raspi 3b+, but then ran into errors.

Feel free to post and I’ll do some digging. Did you install everything that I listed above?

Can you note raspbian version and vesc-tool version in the first post? It’s a moving target :slight_smile:

(and awesome, thank you!)

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Done! I’ll update the post accordingly with new builds.


The raspi now function as octoprint server. Maybe it will work on a zero.

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Yes but the source is open so just make a script that builds a binary on-the-fly in the /tmp folder, runs it, then deletes it. In a container. :smiley:

The container will not contain the binary…


Yup, a container build environment.

Eskate DevOps… that’s niche.


It’s similar to the rhel/centos situation, right? You can distribute binaries built from source if copyrighted material is stripped? So all mentions of vesc?

Building on the fly is annoying, it takes more than a few seconds.

Ah, but a container that spits out a specific version of the binary… hmm

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as per your instructions, i get this,
virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory
make: *** [Makefile:3584: build/lin/obj/qrc_res_fw_original.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs…
i thought it was a few things but it wasnt what i thought. any ideas?

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What model of Raspberry Pi and which version of Rasbian are you running?


Rasp 10 and pi4b

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Hi…I already tried doing that on a 3.5 inch GPIO touchscreen. But since qt apps dont scale like that, it was impossible to see the whole window without maybe panning around the screen. Instead I was thinking of creating an iphone hotspot and connecting to the raspi via VNC.

That idea is strongly overlapping with what I’m trying to get working now. Trying to use a raspberry pi zero W as a bridge for the VESC UART so can initially just read all the data coming off of there and dump to a file then have an AP setup on the pi-zero wifi and small web server to host the file (possibly some sort of front-end to make it look nicer than raw data/messages). What I’m thinking wouldn’t be the full interface but something akin to metr (just using SD on pizero for logging and it’s wifi capabilities instead of a bluetooth module and the phone app since I don’t want to support a phone app for free)

Unfortunately right now I haven’t been able to read the data through GPIO 14/15 like I think I should be able to so I’m sort of stuck, but going to take a few more cracks at it later in the week most likely (family already came through so I’m done with Thanksgiving :smiley: )


Finally got around to try this, and I can confirm, the instructions worked for me today, using PI4B

Hello has anyone got this going on the latest v e s c tool version 2? Anyone compile any version of v e s c tool for pi zero targets?

Does BLE connectivity work?