Board flex (honestly have no idea what to do at this point)

Depends on how long it is. If the enclosure is about as long as the deck and you bolt it on, it acts basically as a part of the deck.

My enclosure isn’t the same length, way smaller

Then it won’t help too much, it will just stiffen up the part it covers.

But judging from you pictures, it doesn’t look that bad? the Exway flex for example almost bottoms out, they just split the battery pack and the ESC into two enclosures.

Also the motor weight has nothing to do with you deck, as it is mounted on the truck, not the deck.


Here’s a visual tho. I basically have no choice, either I let it be and sacrifice damaging my batteries / electronics or stiffen it up with UD CF

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Well thats certainly big enough to tremendously stiffen up your deck. Are you using inserts or bolt throughs to fix it to the deck?

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Yea I figured that the motor mount isn’t doing anything weight wise, it’s the not adding enough veneers in the gluing process. If this was a normal deck and not electric, yea easy. No problem I wouldn’t change a thing, but with running a underside enclosure, lipos aren’t flexible, completely changes the outcome and I rather add carbon fiber then saying goodbye to the $400 I spent on electronics. It looks pretty simple to do and I was recommended the unidirectional fiber, strands don’t come apart, it’ll make it 10x stronger and I won’t have to worry about things being damaged, wouldn’t it have been completed by then? Yes for sure. Think in general doing carbon fiber takes a few days to do, top and bottom

Was going to use Allen screws with nylon nuts, would have 6 holes on each side plus sealing it with butyl tape and foam

Sure you could add carbon fibre, that would stiffen it up quite a bit. I’d say before you do that though bolt the enclosure on and see how it behaves then. If you don’t like it, you can still skin it with CF.

Do you have a specific reason for nylon nuts?

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I read it somewhere where the material inside the hole of the nut, bonds to the screw. Having sort of a grasp on it, keeping it tight. Plus nylon nuts are on every skateboard in the world. It’s what keeps the trucks and wheels tight, kingpin also. Wouldn’t screwing the holes, finding out it doesn’t stiffen it weaken the integrity of the board? I could do that, not adding the electronics in there tho just for safety measures

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Oh you mean nylon lock nuts, gotcha, thats a very different thing from nylon nuts. :smiley: Yeah those are standard in all vibratory environments.

Well you have to drill the holes anyway, with CF or without. You might have to redrill them when you skin after testing, but thats no problem really.

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That’s true. I drew the measurements on the board already so might as well,yes should’ve said lock nuts :sweat_smile: you think you can show me a picture of your build? Like a before and after, was the flex similar to mine and magically the enclosure fixed it, without damaging your electronics. As much as I love carbon fiber, never have done it and I feel it’s pretty challenging, so this is my last sense of hope, if not then I’ll have to add the carbon fiber

Well there are several pictures of my boards on my profile, but i wasn’t testing flex with any of them, mainly because they are quite thick boys. I can tell you there was certainly less flex to no flex at all when the enclosure was bolted to the board though. There it no magic involved really, you can think of your enclosure like adding layers to you deck, fixed not with glue but with bolts. Thats it, really.

CF has some drawbacks too, don’t forget that. For one it is conductive, that means it can short out open electronics if there are no protective layers in between. And also it is impervious to radio waves, meaning you will have a potentially bad connection with your remote. I solved this with an external antenna on one of my boards, but that option is not for everyone.

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That’s why I’m hoping this will solve the issue. So if it’s drilled to the enclosure, it won’t flex to where the electronics are damaged right. Plus I got a bad ass custom graphic I painted on there, gonna make me depressed if this doesn’t work. You should also try testing the flex with one, take the enclosure off and see how it flexes, then put the enclosure on and see how it does

Best of luck to you, the outcome depends on several factors, so its best to just test it. :slight_smile:

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Appreciate it, I’ll give an update on what happened later today

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