Hi everybody- I’ve been a long time lurker and I’ve benefitted a ton from the knowledge base on this forum, but also from all the pretty pictures of your amazing builds.
I don’t have much technical advice or how-to sort stuff to offer with my build, but I like the way it turned out and I always enjoy reading other people’s build posts… So here we go!
Landyachtz Evo 40
@eBoosted double stack enclosure
@Skyart 12S8P P42A pack + his kickass new 100kv motors
@3DServisas Fat boy gear drives on 275 hangers w/ their 3.75" wheels
@janpom Davega
@DerelictRobot Robogotchi + GPS module
@torqueboards TB6 ESCs
8" tires
Glass frit
My first iteration of this build was a TB 6380 belt drive setup… It worked well aside from motor mounts constantly bending, but I dropped my board from about 3’ up onto the back corner of the drive setup and ended up snapping an axle, bending the mount, and bending the motor shaft.
I decided to use this misfortune to upgrade and after many messages back and forth with @skyart, plus LIBERAL amounts of gin, I decided to go for it and upgrade to the 3DS gear drives paired with his new motors.
I’m a pretty big dude (over 300lbs) and was never able to start on my board without a push to get it rolling- if I just stood on it I’d get belt skip and jitters… These low KV motors paired with the gear drives will now toss me backwards of the board from a start- the torque is amazing.
I had also never ridden anything bigger than the 6" TB wheels/tires, so these 8" tires were a GREAT change- much more comfortable and it just feels more stable all around with the wider stance, ground clearance is awesome too.
I themed this board around Boise State because I went there plus I’m a big college football fan and used to go to every BSU home game when I lived in Boise- plus I just really like the color scheme in general. I was actually going for something similar to their “black out” themed helmets.
I used a spar urethane when I did the glass frit and I probably should’ve gone with an epoxy- it’s held up okay, but the edges have some bubbles, I’ve lost some frit, and its yellowed a bit- also the I wish I’d have gone with more opaque glass because it lost a lot of color once it got covered with the polyurethane… I also probably didn’t prep the deck well enough either… lessons learned huh?
As I said above, I’m happy with the way it ended up - it’s super capable and pretty much exactly what I was going for aesthetically.
It lets me keep up with our foster son and my other buddies I’ve built boards for as well- here’s a few pics of my other builds for extra credit.
Thanks again to all the vendors mentioned above- these products are killer and I’m super happy with all of them- extra super duper thanks to @skyart for helping me source things, building multiple batteries, providing waaay more tech support than he had to and generally being pretty great dude.
And thanks again to all the fine folks posting info and inspirations here- this forum is amazing!