An Evasive icon: The ESCape

Sorry Mike! I knew from previous posts that you’ve had communications with stewii on the matter, so it seemed appropriate to invite you. But I also know this discussion always ends up with lots of heat. No offense intended. I appreciate your efforts.


It’s all good brother, just messing with you.


Oh I see! $130 x2 for dual. got it :slight_smile:

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120x2+10 plus shipping, in GBP not USD :slight_smile:


Sorry, should’ve clarified! Will fix when I get back home

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Wow just wow! Not sure what it is that you are taking but damm it must be strong. Can’t imagine he would talk with you after your actions.
I had a great contact with stewii at the time and don’t know what happen. We worked together regarding housings and I did ESCape logo for him. One day he just stop anwsering. My take on this is that Frank made this whole thing not worth doing for him especially that they are both on UK but THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION!

Here’s something to back this up…
stewwi was developing ESCapes more

Here’s a dual pcb.

And one mail from Frank that he shared with me.

emphasized text


Here is the email
I havent answered him, and im not sure if i will, I dont want to waste my time

Hi Andre,

as I have seen on the forum, you are planning to make bigger batches of the HW 6.
I want to inform you about the fact that we have obtained various design rights of the VESC SIX. They cover the product as a almost square box with cover plate, cables and connectors/ports. They don’t show any colours, nor any specific graphics, and in consequence all colour and graphic options are protected. The designs are about the shape, proportions and visual appearance of the product we placed on the market and not about colour and logos and cover PCB design. .

If you plan to put a HW 6 ESC on the market, please consider to use a substantial different design to ours to avoid clashing with our designs. There are many ways to design a housing and place the connectors. The Esk8 1.1 controller and FOCBOX are good examples of how a design can differ from ours.
The current design you use is obviously a straight copy of our product. Placing such a product on the market breaches our IP and confuses customers, thinking they can get the same product/quality from a different vendor at a different price tag. Since it is not the same product/quality, you should avoid to confuse customers by using the very same design. There is a good reason why you can protect your designs. It takes time and efforts to build up a fabulous product/brand reputation! If you steal a design you also steal some of the product reputation someone else built up.

I hope you understand our position and will act accordingly, avoiding any clashes with our IP.

My advice to you is: Never copy a product, always get inventive and try to create your own product, having its own USPs and features. This way you avoid legal clashes and you put yourself in a better position when you build up your own brand and reputation. Always make your product distinctly different from the product of your competition.

I didn’t bother to drag this out before but just can’t stand what Frank is doing. To be honest I think Trampa got some great products but can’t stand this behavior of Frank. @mmaner seems sometimes a bit overreacting but don’t be fulled as he is damn right . Read email from Frank and see what self denying things he wrote.


UH oh, and so it comes out


At 120 GBP for such a device you make losses.

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I have ESCapes from stewii just for manufacturing costs and belive me you don’t make losses in one man operation with zero to almost zero warranty claims.


But you have a lot of work for no profit. You can do that for a couple of batches but it is not sustainable.
Plus you have paperwork to deal with. Invoices, shipping, tax declaration etc.

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As for a company I can agree but like I said it was one man operation. He just decided instead to waist time on stupid things he make some ESCapes. Not sure any one received any invoice as he was just planing to make it as official business and that is exactly the thing that you could hit him with isn’t it?


Still lots of work for no profit. Either you make profits and keep the ball rolling or you have lots of work for no gains and stop it sooner than later.


Omg! How can you calculate your spare time as cost? Frank really we went through this before and I’m done as you always avoiding to answer any questions that are difficult to you and you are saying only what you want to say. You are a dishonest person and that’s it.


He priced his products too low and that had a detrimental effect on his business/motivation to make more…

That’s my way of looking at it. Not sure why he completely disappeared though

This is assuming trampa had no involvement in the takedown of stewii


That is garbage and you know it. He showed a profit but that was not the focus. He enjoyed the work. Your threats and constant harassment took the fun out of it.

You can make excuses all day long, it doesn’t change anything.

If you are going to treat people like crap, at least own it. Your lies are not doing you any favors.


Sorry, Stewii made some batches and then he stopped. As far as I know he shared the files with someone else who also made them. This guy also stopped after a while as far as I know. People shift heir interests and look for new stuff appearing on the horizon. .

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To my knowledge which is probably a bit better than yours he never shared the files. He sold PCBs to Bimmer .


to be fair, making a small batch or two is fun.
making 100 is work


@Trampa are you willing to share anymore information on these “design rights” obtained on VESC6?

Assuming these are your statements, it presents like you are using the shape & color of an ESC as a claim towards this “protected design”. It’s actually a bit unclear as to what is being said is protected vs not.

Now with all that said, it does come across as though you were trying to discourage/“warn” him of this ambiguously protected design.

Care to expand?


High hopes you have