Abec Drive Kit + Davega | EU / Germany [WTS]

Actually, I’ve just realized I have limited account as a new member and I can’t PM you… how can I contact you?

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Hey, it’s already been sold sadly, but you can get them on banggood for pretty cheap

By the way, are you polish?

Thanks for the reply! Yep, I know they are quite cheap on Ali, but you know how it is with ordering something from China… I prefer to buy verified working, even used, if possible. Pitty then that is sold :slight_smile:

Yep again, I’m Polish. Why asking?

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Im half polish, that’s why I asked :slight_smile:

Oh, that’s nice! Do you speak Polish? Pozdrowienia z Pomorza! :slight_smile:

Have you any other intresting spare parts for sale? I’m buliding my first set, so I’m looking for some occasions :slight_smile:

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