I did not have time to get any video. If people have footage please post it or send it to me!
I had such a good time. even though the food vendor showed up 3 hours late… and thanks to @RipTideSports we all still got some food in us!
The track was soooo smooth it really helped with safety. We had a couple falls but nothing major. The med kit never even got opened.
I definitely learned a lot from you guys the last couple events and can’t wait to do this again and keep it going. We will see what the future holds for venues and events as we grow as a racing community.
Do we have any of the euc guys from the race on this forum?
Damn they put on a good show!! That was some of the closest racing. We had 2 guys bump from the b main to podium in the a main. They had such a close 2-3 place finish they couldn’t tell who even won. It was soo awesome to see those guys going balls out and face first. It was epic!
And then there was the stooge racing team putting on a hell of a show!!! Mario and Torgerson battling it out. Those guys are so entertaining to watch race. You never know who is going to win. And with Torgerson putting in an eskate fast lap of 1.20. That Was crazy fast!
Not to mention @JaysTCB and @DEEIF going consistently fast giving the sportsman class a run for their money.
The best part of the day for me was definitely when we got to give some money back to the racers for all their effort and support. Thank you guys for making this a success! Cant wait to do it again!
Oh and I almost forgot. @fessyfoo came back to the event after a bad experience the last Nov. and ended up on the podium. Thanks for coming back bro! You killed it! That was really cool to see! All your guys effort and passion for this made it sooo worth it! Thanks again everyone!
You know I took a GoPro and a new drone and never had the chance to pull them out during the race. So that was kind of a bummer. luckily there were several photographers and drones up. We will get footage together and posted soon.
1 M Pulido 127.55
2 D Marshall 129.53
3. C Gregory 129.64
4 J Garnier. 130.03
5. Z Lee. 130.63
6. G Chiu 131.27
7. Fletcher 131.65
8 Hain (Andy) 140.51
EUC Heat 1
P1) C Gregory
P2) M Pulido
P3) Z Lee
P4) Fletcher
EUC Heat 2
P1) D Marshall
P2) J Garnier
P3) G Chiu
P4) Hain (Andy)
EUC B Main
P1) Fletcher
P2) Z Lee
P3) G Chiu
EUC A Main
P1) C Gregory
P2) Z Lee
P3) Fletcher
J Garnier, D Marshall, M Pulido