18650 Battery Cells

Can anyone give me a feel for what a good deal (us) for 30q cells is? Also what are the most reliable vendors? It seems like IMR is the most popular.

Nkon… Take about 4 weeks for delivery and since the euro is down right now pricing is almost 1 to 1 so it’s a good time to buy!


@ptowncruiser @annihil8ted

ru.nkon.nl ships to the US slowly but they offer the best prices for new cells as well as a 3% discount for ESK8 builders. https://esk8-calculators.com/

I ordered at the beginning of this month and it has not shipped yet, Once it does it will get here pretty quick.
I expect it by the end of the month.
My last shipment too exactly 1 month.

I wish this super slow shipping was not $33.


My last shipment from them took 4.5 weeks or so.

Great cells for the price though! They had a sale for $2.75 for VTC5A for a while.

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I got a bunch of 30qs shipped to Australia from nkon and it took nearly 8 weeks. Hoping that the 20700Bs that I have ordered will come quicker

How long ago did you order? Mine took 6 weeks(placed order on may 26). I emailed them about the shipping time and they told me the company (in Germany) that ships them to the U.S was moving there business so my package was clearly low priority. But my order before that took 3weeks just like they said.

Order was sent to Germany on the 2nd August

Ill post this again… maybe someone will buy some?


---- $630 FOR A CASE OF 200 cells.

THATS $3.35 a cell

Unwrapped… but thats a minor fix when you get them

Ps. Not mine just sharing the deal. Evwest is legit company who makes cool EV projects.

Reshipping the cells would be a big pain but it would be good if you could find people locally.

Just convince someone to build a diy with you.

they for 2,97$ on nkon wrapped, but shipping takes time.


Didnt know they were so cheap at nkon. Well nm then…

there is still the shipping time :wink:

Ya i remember checking nkon when i got these… they werent that cheap… but in hindsight, probably worth the extra for wrapped. It was just a lio more time consuming… ended up building a jig . It all worked out in the end. Split with a buddy at work.

It took them tha tlong just to ship to Germany? That’s just pathetic.

Ordered 31st July, shipped to Germany 2nd August… 2-3 days seems pretty reasonable. But it will likely take 3-4 weeks from that date for the cells to ship to me.

Last time I ordered, something happened at the German end, it was right around the time mentioned above, so that probably explains why it took a bit longer.

Oh I thought you were talking about the ones that took 8weeks to ship. That’s what my original question of when you ordered them was about.

Nah 8 weeks from order to my door. Ordered early may i think.

It was inconvenient but i got the cells quicker than i got my… oh wait, i dont have my unities yet :man_facepalming:

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Ya 8 weeks is way to long considering they day 3 weeks on the website. I will continue to get cells from them but I know not to order them if I need them sooner then. a few months. I’ll pay a bit more to get them from liion.com and get them the same week if i need them quickly.

I’m curious if Nkon, IMR etc, ever have good sales on 30Q cells? Im planning on buying a batch of cells but if waiting a month or two can save me a bunch I would probably do it. If not I’ll just order them now so I can hurry up and wait for my cells to get here.

30q are 2.49€ and vtc6 are 2.48€ on nkon right now. Isn’t that already a great deal?