/* Copyright 2018 Benjamin Vedder benjamin@vedder.se This file is part of the VESC firmware. The VESC firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The VESC firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // (jaykup) Config for Flipsky FOC 75100 (75100V201 circuit board) // MDP10N027 100v MOSFETS (6 total) // RICHCAP 740uF 100v Caps (3 total) // EG3112 Gate Driver (3 total) // STM32F405 RGT6 78628 9R PHL 7B 12(standard) // LM5161 100v Buck Converter // m50 resistors for battery side current measuring, one per phase. 0.50mOhms (3 total) // 5.2 #ifndef HW_75_100_H_ #define HW_75_100_H_ #define HW_NAME "75_100_V2" // (jaykup) HW properties #define HW_HAS_3_SHUNTS // Macros #define LED_GREEN_GPIO GPIOB #define LED_GREEN_PIN 5 #define LED_RED_GPIO GPIOB #define LED_RED_PIN 7 #define LED_GREEN_ON() palSetPad(LED_GREEN_GPIO, LED_GREEN_PIN) #define LED_GREEN_OFF() palClearPad(LED_GREEN_GPIO, LED_GREEN_PIN) #define LED_RED_ON() palSetPad(LED_RED_GPIO, LED_RED_PIN) #define LED_RED_OFF() palClearPad(LED_RED_GPIO, LED_RED_PIN) #define PHASE_FILTER_GPIO GPIOC #define PHASE_FILTER_PIN 9 #define PHASE_FILTER_ON() palSetPad(PHASE_FILTER_GPIO, PHASE_FILTER_PIN) #define PHASE_FILTER_OFF() palClearPad(PHASE_FILTER_GPIO, PHASE_FILTER_PIN) #define AUX_GPIO GPIOC #define AUX_PIN 12 #define AUX_ON() palSetPad(AUX_GPIO, AUX_PIN) #define AUX_OFF() palClearPad(AUX_GPIO, AUX_PIN) //(jaykup) disabled as this is not on the 100_250 //#define CURRENT_FILTER_ON() palSetPad(GPIOD, 2) //#define CURRENT_FILTER_OFF() palClearPad(GPIOD, 2) /* * ADC Vector * * 0 (1): IN0 SENS1 * 1 (2): IN1 SENS2 * 2 (3): IN2 SENS3 * 3 (1): IN10 CURR1 * 4 (2): IN11 CURR2 * 5 (3): IN12 CURR3 * 6 (1): IN5 ADC_EXT1 * 7 (2): IN6 ADC_EXT2 * 8 (3): IN3 TEMP_MOS * 9 (1): IN14 TEMP_MOTOR * 10 (2): IN15 ADC_EXT3 * 11 (3): IN13 AN_IN * 12 (1): Vrefint * 13 (2): IN0 SENS1 * 14 (3): IN1 SENS2 * 15 (1): IN8 TEMP_MOS_2 * 16 (2): IN9 TEMP_MOS_3 * 17 (3): IN3 SENS3 */ #define HW_ADC_CHANNELS 18 #define HW_ADC_INJ_CHANNELS 3 #define HW_ADC_NBR_CONV 6 // ADC Indexes #define ADC_IND_SENS1 0 #define ADC_IND_SENS2 1 #define ADC_IND_SENS3 2 #define ADC_IND_CURR1 3 #define ADC_IND_CURR2 4 #define ADC_IND_CURR3 5 #define ADC_IND_VIN_SENS 11 #define ADC_IND_EXT 6 #define ADC_IND_EXT2 7 #define ADC_IND_EXT3 10 #define ADC_IND_TEMP_MOS 8 //#define ADC_IND_TEMP_MOS_2 15 //(jaykup) 75/300 and 100/250 have 3 temp sensors. This has one. //#define ADC_IND_TEMP_MOS_3 16 #define ADC_IND_TEMP_MOTOR 9 #define ADC_IND_VREFINT 12 // ADC macros and settings // Component parameters (can be overridden) #ifndef V_REG #define V_REG 3.3 // (jaykup) updated from measurement #endif #ifndef VIN_R1 #define VIN_R1 56000.0 // (jaykup) updated 393 SMD code, 38,800 measured #endif #ifndef VIN_R2 #define VIN_R2 2200.0 // (jaykup) updated 01B code, 1k measured #endif #ifndef CURRENT_AMP_GAIN #define CURRENT_AMP_GAIN 20.0 // (jaykup) == default, unknown value == #endif #ifndef CURRENT_SHUNT_RES #define CURRENT_SHUNT_RES (0.0005 / 3.0) // (jaykup) updated #endif // Input voltage #define GET_INPUT_VOLTAGE() ((V_REG / 4095.0) * (float)ADC_Value[ADC_IND_VIN_SENS] * ((VIN_R1 + VIN_R2) / VIN_R2)) // NTC Termistors #define NTC_RES(adc_val) ((4095.0 * 10000.0) / adc_val - 10000.0) // (jaykup) Measured 10k NTC at 3307 beta (11.7kOhm @ 70F, 21.4kOhm @ 43F) // (jaykup) 273 is C to K conversion #define NTC_TEMP(adc_ind) (1.0 / ((logf(NTC_RES(ADC_Value[adc_ind]) / 10000.0) / 3380.0) + (1.0 / 298.15)) - 273.15) #define NTC_RES_MOTOR(adc_val) (10000.0 / ((4095.0 / (float)adc_val) - 1.0)) // Motor temp sensor on low side #define NTC_TEMP_MOTOR(beta) (1.0 / ((logf(NTC_RES_MOTOR(ADC_Value[ADC_IND_TEMP_MOTOR]) / 10000.0) / beta) + (1.0 / 298.15)) - 273.15) // Voltage on ADC channel #define ADC_VOLTS(ch) ((float)ADC_Value[ch] / 4096.0 * V_REG) // Double samples in beginning and end for positive current measurement. // Useful when the shunt sense traces have noise that causes offset. #ifndef CURR1_DOUBLE_SAMPLE #define CURR1_DOUBLE_SAMPLE 0 #endif #ifndef CURR2_DOUBLE_SAMPLE #define CURR2_DOUBLE_SAMPLE 0 #endif #ifndef CURR3_DOUBLE_SAMPLE #define CURR3_DOUBLE_SAMPLE 0 #endif // COMM-port ADC GPIOs #define HW_ADC_EXT_GPIO GPIOA #define HW_ADC_EXT_PIN 5 #define HW_ADC_EXT2_GPIO GPIOA #define HW_ADC_EXT2_PIN 6 // UART Peripheral #define HW_UART_DEV SD3 #define HW_UART_GPIO_AF GPIO_AF_USART3 #define HW_UART_TX_PORT GPIOB #define HW_UART_TX_PIN 10 #define HW_UART_RX_PORT GPIOB #define HW_UART_RX_PIN 11 // Permanent UART Peripheral (for NRF51) (jaykup) for UART2 port #define HW_UART_P_BAUD 115200 #define HW_UART_P_DEV SD4 #define HW_UART_P_GPIO_AF GPIO_AF_UART4 #define HW_UART_P_TX_PORT GPIOC #define HW_UART_P_TX_PIN 10 #define HW_UART_P_RX_PORT GPIOC #define HW_UART_P_RX_PIN 11 // == (jaykup) should be disabled as this unit has no bluetooth module to program // NRF SWD //#define NRF5x_SWDIO_GPIO GPIOA //#define NRF5x_SWDIO_PIN 15 //#define NRF5x_SWCLK_GPIO GPIOB //#define NRF5x_SWCLK_PIN 3 // ICU Peripheral for servo decoding #define HW_USE_SERVO_TIM4 #define HW_ICU_TIMER TIM4 #define HW_ICU_TIM_CLK_EN() RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM4, ENABLE) #define HW_ICU_DEV ICUD4 #define HW_ICU_CHANNEL ICU_CHANNEL_1 #define HW_ICU_GPIO_AF GPIO_AF_TIM4 #define HW_ICU_GPIO GPIOB #define HW_ICU_PIN 6 // I2C Peripheral #define HW_I2C_DEV I2CD2 #define HW_I2C_GPIO_AF GPIO_AF_I2C2 #define HW_I2C_SCL_PORT GPIOB #define HW_I2C_SCL_PIN 10 #define HW_I2C_SDA_PORT GPIOB #define HW_I2C_SDA_PIN 11 // Hall/encoder pins #define HW_HALL_ENC_GPIO1 GPIOC #define HW_HALL_ENC_PIN1 6 #define HW_HALL_ENC_GPIO2 GPIOC #define HW_HALL_ENC_PIN2 7 #define HW_HALL_ENC_GPIO3 GPIOC #define HW_HALL_ENC_PIN3 8 #define HW_ENC_TIM TIM3 #define HW_ENC_TIM_AF GPIO_AF_TIM3 #define HW_ENC_TIM_CLK_EN() RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, ENABLE) #define HW_ENC_EXTI_PORTSRC EXTI_PortSourceGPIOC #define HW_ENC_EXTI_PINSRC EXTI_PinSource8 #define HW_ENC_EXTI_CH EXTI9_5_IRQn #define HW_ENC_EXTI_LINE EXTI_Line8 #define HW_ENC_EXTI_ISR_VEC EXTI9_5_IRQHandler #define HW_ENC_TIM_ISR_CH TIM3_IRQn #define HW_ENC_TIM_ISR_VEC TIM3_IRQHandler // SPI pins #define HW_SPI_DEV SPID1 #define HW_SPI_GPIO_AF GPIO_AF_SPI1 #define HW_SPI_PORT_NSS GPIOA #define HW_SPI_PIN_NSS 4 #define HW_SPI_PORT_SCK GPIOA #define HW_SPI_PIN_SCK 5 #define HW_SPI_PORT_MOSI GPIOA #define HW_SPI_PIN_MOSI 7 #define HW_SPI_PORT_MISO GPIOA #define HW_SPI_PIN_MISO 6 // Measurement macros #define ADC_V_L1 ADC_Value[ADC_IND_SENS1] #define ADC_V_L2 ADC_Value[ADC_IND_SENS2] #define ADC_V_L3 ADC_Value[ADC_IND_SENS3] #define ADC_V_ZERO (ADC_Value[ADC_IND_VIN_SENS] / 2) // Macros #define READ_HALL1() palReadPad(HW_HALL_ENC_GPIO1, HW_HALL_ENC_PIN1) #define READ_HALL2() palReadPad(HW_HALL_ENC_GPIO2, HW_HALL_ENC_PIN2) #define READ_HALL3() palReadPad(HW_HALL_ENC_GPIO3, HW_HALL_ENC_PIN3) // Override dead time. See the stm32f4 reference manual for calculating this value. #define HW_DEAD_TIME_NSEC 660.0 // Default setting overrides #ifndef MCCONF_L_MIN_VOLTAGE #define MCCONF_L_MIN_VOLTAGE 12.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) #endif #ifndef MCCONF_L_MAX_VOLTAGE #define MCCONF_L_MAX_VOLTAGE 84.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) #endif #ifndef MCCONF_DEFAULT_MOTOR_TYPE #define MCCONF_DEFAULT_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_TYPE_FOC #endif #ifndef MCCONF_FOC_F_SW #define MCCONF_FOC_F_SW 30000.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) #endif #ifndef MCCONF_L_MAX_ABS_CURRENT #define MCCONF_L_MAX_ABS_CURRENT 150.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) The maximum absolute current above which a fault is generated #endif #ifndef MCCONF_FOC_SAMPLE_V0_V7 #define MCCONF_FOC_SAMPLE_V0_V7 false // (jaykup) unit has 3 battery shunts so this needs to be off - Run control loop in both v0 and v7 (requires phase shunts) #endif #ifndef MCCONF_L_IN_CURRENT_MAX #define MCCONF_L_IN_CURRENT_MAX 100.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) Input current limit in Amperes (Upper) #endif #ifndef MCCONF_L_IN_CURRENT_MIN #define MCCONF_L_IN_CURRENT_MIN -100.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) Input current limit in Amperes (Lower) #endif #ifndef MCCONF_L_RPM_MAX #define MCCONF_L_RPM_MAX 150000.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) The motor speed limit (Upper) #endif #ifndef MCCONF_L_RPM_MIN #define MCCONF_L_RPM_MIN -150000.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) The motor speed limit (Lower) #endif #ifndef MCCONF_SI_BATTERY_CELLS #define MCCONF_SI_BATTERY_CELLS 12 // (jaykup) Battery Cells #endif #ifndef MCCONF_SI_BATTERY_AH #define MCCONF_SI_BATTERY_AH 10.0 // (jaykup) Battery amp hours #endif // Setting limits #define HW_LIM_CURRENT -120.0, 120.0 // (jaykup) phase amps (Flipsky states 120 max phase amps.) #define HW_LIM_CURRENT_IN -120.0, 120.0 // (jaykup) battery amps (Flipsky states 100 max battery amps, but their firmware is at 120A) #define HW_LIM_CURRENT_ABS 0.0, 160.0 // (jaykup) abs phase amps (Flipsky firmware max is 160A) #define HW_LIM_VIN 12.0, 120.0 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) #define HW_LIM_ERPM -200e3, 200e3 // (jaykup) (flipsky firmware) #define HW_LIM_DUTY_MIN 0.0, 0.1 #define HW_LIM_DUTY_MAX 0.0, 0.99 #define HW_LIM_TEMP_FET -40.0, 110.0 #endif /* HW_75_100_H_ */