WTB [US] MBS 95 Mountain Board

Where are the MBS Atom 95s, MBS Core 95s, and MBS comp 95s hiding? Any year; discontinued decks welcomed. Matrix 2 trucks a plus.

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Brego boards has a pro 95 in stock, I wanted buy it but the pro 97’s came in before.

The Retaliation is a good Pro deck. The green color scheme is decent but that art direction doesn’t resonate on me much.

Looking for something different/more cost efficient than the DW2 and Comp 95 Birds MBS currently offers.

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I can help you out. Pm me. Deck and trucks.


whats the angle on these tip and tails? 25 I dont think its 30…

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I really want to find one of these out in the wild
I did find this

I just want deck and bindings :sunglasses:
The white F4s :drooling_face:

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I ride one of these and have a brand new spare in my media room. :slight_smile:
Mine is just the deck though.

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I called Dibbs if you ever want to sell :wink:

But in the meantime I had @cfelzien make me one of your pressed decks :sunglasses:
He won’t show me the full picture
He wants me to wait until I receive it :star_struck:


+1 on the deck. Looks sweet. Want one.

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He will have you running in circles man… these pictures make me laugh… you will be happy with your finished product though.

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I have my old abused cut and winged comp 95 around if you can’t find anything…



That’s fine

How so? Where



So. firstly I have to ask. why not just get a Haero?
Them shits is nice…

I cut the nose and tail just for looks really. I did not have any clearance issues. just wanted to be cool like @glyphiks .

I also drilled holes through it on the tail to put the wires through… probably weakens it…

the wings I added were 3d printed wedges similar to the Saber Blades, and definitely made the board way better…
but the Haero comes with the nice wide plaftorm and sweet concave…


@Taraskasyanyuk had one for the low but I missed it.

I see it now, looks good, better even.

Was thinking of bottom mounted enclosure with top mounted vesc so no big deal

This is where the Haero is better hands down. But MBS 95-100s have overall better ergonomics imo.


wow, ok.
now you threw me for a loop…

what are you wanting to build?

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Was inspired by this, but with 12s5p P42A, SC 60D and 6384 motors.


I have a MBS Comp 95. I just bought it, I rode it once (not electric). I’m replacing it with a Haero. I’ll sell you the deck for $100 + shipping. I’ll take pictures if your interested.